It's becoming clearer by the day why only 53% had confidence in Smith to lead the UPC party.
No wonder Kenney ran away.
Danielle's best before date is coming up real fast. Jazz and AB5's dreams are being flushed quicker than a huge morning dump.
Did you start the thread because you were in bed with the two highly educated lawyers from the JCCF hiring the P.I., or was it that you were concerned about Johnny being all alone in his Calgary cell for 23 hours?
No wonder Kenney ran away.
Danielle's best before date is coming up real fast. Jazz and AB5's dreams are being flushed quicker than a huge morning dump.
Did you start the thread because you were in bed with the two highly educated lawyers from the JCCF hiring the P.I., or was it that you were concerned about Johnny being all alone in his Calgary cell for 23 hours?