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Year in review: hearing hard truths about First Nations farmers

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    Land back is why the South Africans are moving here?

    Never say never.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      They weren't even allowed to succeed as farmers on their own land.

      When land claims are settled and compensation paid out you should be quiet.

      I will be when I know it's the last check ever written, forever.


        Originally posted by blackpowder View Post

        I will be when I know it's the last check ever written, forever.
        Which is why it will never happen.


          I was born in Canada and it just as much my Canada as anyone else’s.

          If the Indians want it Back they had better get back into the Stone Age....


            Maybe its the natives that should be giving the land back

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              Good morning CC...

              That humanity treats itself in unjust manners... is a given... from the decision to seek knowledge... and choose to disobey the creator of this universe.... evil has been present in our 'civilization'.

              How each of us choose to treat other humans... and creation... is a personal responsibility... that after we die; we will be held accountable for.

              Have no fear, CC; what we sow, we shall reap.

              Because we are all personally responsible for our actions...

              Let us, each one of us; because our creator insists that we are all equal and created in his image... choose to Love one another and each have the self-discipline to hate evil, be kind, love our enemies, and trust God to bring justice to humanity; when, where, and how our Creator chooses to.

              I can only be responsible for my actions... let us each seek truth, billions of copies of the Holy Bible, are available... for those who choose to seek the Truth. Otherwise this discussion is pointless!

              Blessings and Salutations



                Happy Reading CC!


                  The first step in reconciliation is understanding the history of what really happened to first nations and what is happening to them now.

                  Taking away their land, culture, dignity and independence was what happened.

                  They were purposely forced onto small reserves in many cases with starvation and planned dependence on the federal government.

                  Anybody who dosen't accept that past treatment has had a profund impact on the current state of first nations is in denial.

                  Its a shared responsibility to fix the current problems.



                    You missed the point many have presented:

                    Personal Responsibility.

                    I can only change myself.

                    Therefore CC… by your example…. You can be a leader… and bring‘freedom’ to those people whom you can.

                    I am responsible for myself and my future.

                    Blessings and Salutations


                      Ya, he was looking for a fight he never got.


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