Originally posted by chuckChuck
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Did you not comprehend my tongue in cheek post?
Because nature itself is already growing land area at 5 times (net)the rate than humans are doing the same, we don't need to be adding any land. This is from the folks at nat geo, are they no longer credible scientists in your opinion? Although, they admit to being surprised, which isn't exactly a scientific term. I believe it has something to do with thinking the science is settled, and discovering it isn't.
If you are concerned about poorer regions of the world struggling to fund adaptation, perhaps denying them access to cheap reliable energy, which would make adaptation possible( if it were actually necessary, however as per the article posted above, it is not), may not be the most charitable solution.
Do you see, you are chasing a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist. In fact, the evidence indicates the exact opposite is happening. Do you now deny climate science, which indicates we are gaining land from oceans?