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Ukraine situation?

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    Ukraine situation?

    not sure in UK tanks pledged is turn for worse or better.

    Fast becoming a war ukraine and russia both cant win and both cant lose.

    but wow reading on a left wing russian leaning site who much wealth Putin personally has and how much russia has "tucked away" for the advent of war. Hes one of the richest men on the planet. There there for the long haul.

    Perversley most of it is "western money" squirreld away.

    PS i dont beleive all i read on internet but seemed a valid site and author.


      PPS my friend who films for a network here owned by paramount is going back for his second tour of duty in 2 weeks a three week stint less if to dangerous more if not to bad.

      Got sent home last time did 1st of march to 15th. Got called out when US camera men died think 14th. Was in same "evening compound "as them

      Bit of a thrill seeker maybe super well paid for it and "non insurable" if you go past certain lines regions.

      Been to plenty of hot spots over the years.


        You have a very brave friend Downunder, please keep us informed when he comes back with his stories.

        The truth coming from an actual eye witness is certainly better than all the internet cut and pastes and video B.S. the Putin supporters bombard us with on Agriville.

        Dictator Putin's missiles hit an apartment block in the city of Dnipro on Sunday killing 30 innocent Ukrainian civilians.

        Ukrainians facing genocide daily from Putin's unjustified invasion.


          I am as far from Ukrainian or other such Eastern European ancestry but can’t help but support Ukraine against Russian imperialism. The Russian cuks are just that cuks. Russias greatness in the eyes of Putin and previous rulers is an empire which they control but can’t bring to full potential. Going back from the Golden Horde to today it’s the same bullshit. In fact the same mongol tactics are applied today and their entire doctrine is based upon it.


            This is not genocide. It is war.
            I don't condone it. But it is not new. And will not be the last.
            I certainly don't have a guess as to what things look like in the future specifically. But it's all just a wash rinse repeat cycle.


              Watched a live interview Fareed had with Olena Zelenska the First Lady of Ukraine and she stated that 50% of Ukrainian families are separated because of Putin's invasion.

              Putin's so-called all mighty army can't defeat the Ukraine forces so he continues to fire missiles daily trying to defeat the will of the Ukrainian people through unbearable suffering.

              The First Lady stated the Ukrainian sprit will never be broken by Putin.

              But, we have those on Agriville watching TV or videos in the warm comfort of their living rooms with their families who have justified Putin's invasion.


                What does it matter what we think or, “ condone”? Doesn’t make a hill of beans difference to Putin.
                Dictators dictate and if you want to pontificate about it, go stand on the mountain and spew all you like, ain’t gonna matter, they aren’t listening to you or me.


                  Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                  What does it matter what we think or, “ condone”? Doesn’t make a hill of beans difference to Putin.
                  Dictators dictate and if you want to pontificate about it, go stand on the mountain and spew all you like, ain’t gonna matter, they aren’t listening to you or me.
                  Is it any different than talking shop on here?


                    He films thats his job,what the journalists and networks do with it is not up to him.

                    Another wish of his but not granted is to go into say st peterburg or the likes and see what general "run of the mill" russians think. Hes sure he would get both sides of the views.

                    He gets horrified by some of the "news" on the internet.

                    He can watch clips of some footage, say a 30 second clip. half way through he might say see the shadows different, and ever so slighly different sound in same clip. Been joined in the middle of the clip, completely different artillery sound from start of clip "could be from any war anywere"

                    Interesting guy.

                    Hes neither a right winger or a left winger just a normal guy who cares, and pursues truth and loves photography thats how he started.

                    Another thing hes hoping for , made friends with his bodyguards hopes he has same ukrainian guys but not even a slim chance he said but some how hopes to contact them.
                    Last edited by Landdownunder; Jan 16, 2023, 01:55.


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