Originally posted by agstar77
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Flying in an aircraft requires a great deal of faith,
We buy the cheapest airline ticket we can trusting that they will get us to our desired destination safely;
We fly in a thin metal tube, at 500mph, at 30,000’, with a pilot and crew we have never met, in an aircraft we didn’t check out before departure;
We in faith believe that enough fuel has been loaded on the aircraft to reach the destination;
We in faith believe the airline and pilots will deliver us to the destination printed on the ticket we bought;
We in faith believe that they will depart at the time printed on the ticket, not an hour early, our hours late;
All on faith… in what we believe to be true…
Some one 200 years ago… would not believe it possible for a person to fly half way around the world in less than a day….
Yet in the matters of Spiritual life…and eternal life after death… nothing has changed one iota… from the creation of the first human being!
All as written in the Eternal Word of God… determined before: the foundation of the creation of the earth…and universe…time and matter…
Before Consciousness and the soul and spirits of humanity… were created ;
These Do not change AT the whim of woke human musings!