Originally posted by chuckChuck
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" many customers were not willing to pay premiums as the market for high quality spring wheat and durum is limited. As a result, in order to clear the market, a significant volume of grain would be traded at values at a discount to U.S. values as that is what it took to sell the grain that was offered for
sale by farmers to the CWB at the time."
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c40f31a620b85cf0d073e7b/t/6026c2de25b2481827961a52/1613152990644/SWDC+-+Review+of+Potential+Changes+to+the+Canada+Grain+A ct+-+Final+Oct+2020+%281%29.pdf
Mr. Weisensel was the Chief Operating Officer of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) beginning
in 2004 until G3 Canada Ltd. purchased a majority interest in the CWB in July of 2015.