At the recent WTO talks on trade it looks like the Canadian representatives are willing to give up just about everything to cut a deal. Sell the last few things available to protect farmers in the vague hope others might "cut" their subsidies...not eliminate them..but "cut" them! And I don't see where we get anything in return?
If you take away the initial "guaranteed" price for grain why would anyone ever sell to the CWB? Defacto, doesn't this mean there is now no CWB?
The hypocracy of the US and EU at these talks is truly amazing!
The next item is to get rid of supply management in the dairy/poultry now they would have to compete with a true fair "American" competitor! The fact is this: The American dairyman gets more subsidies than the Canadian dairyman ever does! The Canadian dairyman may get his "subsidy" through the consumer but no way does it add up to the money the American gets from his government!
The Canadian government has a very bad track record of standing up for the primary producers. This is the reason today we find ourselves in this spiral of less and less profit and more and more work! I guess we have to look at the quality of the people we have elected? Shysters, conmen, and a den of thieves?...and again we vote them in?
If you take away the initial "guaranteed" price for grain why would anyone ever sell to the CWB? Defacto, doesn't this mean there is now no CWB?
The hypocracy of the US and EU at these talks is truly amazing!
The next item is to get rid of supply management in the dairy/poultry now they would have to compete with a true fair "American" competitor! The fact is this: The American dairyman gets more subsidies than the Canadian dairyman ever does! The Canadian dairyman may get his "subsidy" through the consumer but no way does it add up to the money the American gets from his government!
The Canadian government has a very bad track record of standing up for the primary producers. This is the reason today we find ourselves in this spiral of less and less profit and more and more work! I guess we have to look at the quality of the people we have elected? Shysters, conmen, and a den of thieves?...and again we vote them in?