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    Thanks Cowman.


      BOVINES OF QUEBEC Longueuil, September 10, 2004 - "the producers of
      Quebec appreciate the commitment of the new Canadian Minister for
      agriculture to redouble efforts to make accelerate the process of
      reopening of the borders to the cattle and the Canadian beef and veal.
      They also greet the measurements put of before making just like
      increase the capacity of demolition to the country the series of means
      designed to develop new markets of export. However, they are extremely
      disappointed transitional measures announced to come to them to
      assistance "It is in these terms that reacted Mr. Michel
      Dessureault, president of the Federation of the producers of
      bovines of Quebec (FPBQ), Mr. Marcel Groleau, president of the
      Federation of the producers of milk of Quebec and Mr. Laurent
      Pellerin, president of the Union of the agricultural producers
      (UPA), with the advertisement made today by the minister of
      Agriculture and Agroalimentaire Canada, Mr. Andy Mitchell, of
      his strategy to reposition the Canadian industry of the livestock. Of
      entry of play, Mr. Dessureault specified that announced help is
      insufficient and at all does not fill the needs for the producers of
      beef animals and the dairy producers "In the new national strategy,
      one does not find any direct help to compensate for the fall of price
      of the bovines, nor no programme of free loans; two measurements which
      are however essential and which were very awaited producers of Quebec
      ", it made a point of specifying. Mr. Groleau increases by adding
      that "the dairy producers, who were compensated only for approximately
      30 % of their losses to date, will not receive that crumbs in direct
      compensation with the new advertisement" the president does not see
      anything either in this advertisement which corrects the abuses the
      intermediaries: "the selling price of the bovines has undergone a
      major fall for 16 month without the consumers not seeing the color and
      the government of it does not act" it denounced. - 2 - The two
      federations concerned and the UPA evaluate the needs for the
      Québécois producers to more than 141 million dollars whereas with the
      announced transitional measures, Quebec should receive only between 15
      and 20 million dollars, which represents less than 15 % of the needs
      for the Québécois producers. Moreover, it is estimated that the
      programmes of withdrawal (put side) of bouvillons and of calves of
      fattening are likely to be not easily applicable to Quebec, and even
      elsewhere in Canada. As for the assistance granted to the control program of the old
      animals, it seems to us definitely insufficient to achieve the pursued
      goals. Lastly, it is surprising to note that only measurement
      announced to cure the problems of liquidities of the producers rises
      from an already existing federal program, the PCSRA. Commenting on
      new announced measurements, the president of the UPA, Mr. Laurent
      Pellerin, presses the Mitchell minister to revise his strategy
      to quickly inject new money in the bovine farms which are, recall it,
      at the edge of the financial pit after 16 month of crisis "I
      understand badly that last year, whereas Ottawa and Quebec poured some
      150 million dollars to support the Québécois bovine production, that
      one intervenes this time also modestly. However, nothing changed, the
      situation of the producers is always also difficult "added, Mr.
      Pellerin. Same breath, it adds that it is as important as the
      Mitchell minister makes safe industry by developing an effective
      strategy being based on a long-term horizon. The producers invite
      Quebec now to benefit from the flexibility expresses of which Ottawa
      seems to make proof. They thus enjoignent the Minister for
      Agriculture, Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, to intensify his representations
      near its federal counterpart so that the program is really adapted to
      the characteristics of Quebec and that it is with the height of the
      needs for the producers. Let us recall that the discovery of a case of
      ESB in Alberta, May 20, 2003, involved the immediate closing of the
      borders to export and carried out the bovine sector in a crisis
      without precedent. Still today, the embargo affects 60 % of the bovine
      products and results in a fall of price varying from 30 à.70.%,
      according to the category of bovines. Affiliated with the Union of the
      agricultural producers, the Federation of the producers of bovines of
      Quebec gathers 24 300 calf and ox producers established in all the
      areas of Quebec. Third more important production livestock in Quebec,
      bovine industry generates annual sales of more than 600 million
      dollars and markets some 800 000 bovines annually. The Federation
      represents the five sectors of bovine production, that is to say those
      of calves of fattening, of bouvillons of demolition, calves of
      grain, milk calves as well as bovines of reform and dairy calves. - 30
      - Information: Denise Audet Agente of communication Federation
      of the producers of bovines of Quebec Tel.: (450) 679-0540, item 8354
      Éliane Hamel Adviser, Public affairs Union of the agricultural
      producers Tel.: (450) 679-0540, item 8591 Frederic Krikorian
      Adviser public relations and governmental Federation of the milk
      producers of Quebec Tel.. (450) 679-0530, item 8704


        The following is a short reply from a contact in Quebec as to the premiums producers pay. I note that he does not mention that one incentive to enroll in the ASRA programs is that they get a refund of 80% plus on property tax when they enroll. In Saskatchewan with some land reaching $2000.00 per year that would be quite an incentive indeed.
        ASRA is a provincial income support insurance program that is voluntary.The premiums are set each year at a rate that allows the
        cumulative fund to replenish itself and stay in a net positive position
        over time.The producer pays 1/3 of the premium and the Financiere Agricole pays the other 2/3rds.
        The fund pays out if the cost of production exceeds the market revenue
        for an agricultural commodity.There will be payments in all beef sectors
        this year as market revenue is at disaster levels.


          Financial statement as
          with the supplementary programmes
          ESB 3 – Programme of support for
          animals of reform
          • Tuesday last 13 April, the government of
          Quebec finally carried out the payments
          of the assistance to the producers under the terms of the program
          ESB 3. They is some 30 M $ which has
          thus been able to be versed in the bovine farms of
          The producers cow-calf received the full one
          compensation envisaged with the program, is
          320 $/bovine of reform. Versed amounts
          were established by taking account of a rate of
          reform of 8% and on the basis of declaration
          of inventory at September 1, 2003.
          The dairy producers have, for their part,
          receipt a payment which corresponds to 320 $/
          bovine of reform and which takes account of a rate
          of reform of 17%, on the basis of declaration
          of inventory at September 1, 2003. In
          correspondence sent to all the producers,
          The Financial agricultural one indicates however
          that the rate of reform used for the sector
          slag could be revised with the rise according to
          budgetary availabilities.
          One remembers that on last 27 November,
          Minister for the Agriculture of Quebec,
          Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, had announced one
          program of assistance adapted to the needs for
          Quebec and which it had carried the rate of
          acceptable reform for the dairy sector of
          16% to 20%. The Federation thus expects it
          that the minister respects his engagements and
          that the dairy producers can receive
          the totality of the promised assistance most quickly
          • Always within the framework of this program, them
          steps of the Federation near the government
          federal continue in order to re-examine with
          the rise rates of reform at 11% per year
          for the sector of beef animals, and with
          25% per year for the dairy sector.


            we d ont need to enroll to the asra program for get 70 per cent return property taxes,just sell farm product. we have to sell at least 150.00 par acre income for get it.


              I welcome you to this forum dolin...you are a man of few words. Not like myself!!
              You could contribute alot here and it would be welcome.

              As to your last post though...it is not consistant with what you posted earlier on the thread "unfair". here is what you posted then... posted Sep 18, 2004 7:05
              if we don t pay ,we don t have 70 per cent return taxes of school and municipality.so we don t have a choice. ??


                to be member of upa and asra program , it is not same.excuse me,i don t speak well english.


                  No problem dolin your contribution here is welcome.
                  Perhaps I can help you out. There is a web site that you can go to , type in your text, up to 150 words and then click translate french to english instantly!! Try it out, this is it, http://www.systransoft.com/

                  If that does not work out for you give the administration permission to forward your e-mail address to me and I could recieve your posts in french...translate them and send them back to you, then you could copy and paste them in any tread of your choosing.


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