I've seen the nose pumps but I just don't like them. Too slow in my opinion. Cows seem to think they all need to go for water at the same time and there is always a big brawl to see who gets to drink! Now I will admit the same thing would happen at a waterer.
That is the nice part of watering at the springs. Lots of room to spread out and drink without another cow slamming the drinker in the guts!
My own opinion is hey it worked for the last hundred years, so why reinvent the wheel, sort of thing? But I also realize the times are a changin and we live under a microscope these days. Got to be pro-active.
That is the nice part of watering at the springs. Lots of room to spread out and drink without another cow slamming the drinker in the guts!
My own opinion is hey it worked for the last hundred years, so why reinvent the wheel, sort of thing? But I also realize the times are a changin and we live under a microscope these days. Got to be pro-active.