Whether or not mj is legalized seems irrelevant at this time. I know that as I watched the memorial yesterday that I was darn proud to be an Albertan, as well as a Canadian. Our national police force showed themselves at their best and the eulogies could have been told about any young Canadian who believed in right over wrong. The total outpouring of sympathy and support from the average Canadian was massive and showed what this country is made from--common ordinary people, believing in the common good for others. That one deranged and evil man could inflict so much pain on so many only speaks to the place that our civilization has evolved to. You must realize that as many people who mourned yesterday, there would be those in the criminal element who would think that lunatic did a good job. It is that which we must stand vigilant against. And those of us in the country are not immune to this criminal element--we all know someone in our neighborhoods who is unstable and still likes to 'play' with guns in order to show their strength--they are usually cowards and bullies when you take their ammunition away from them.
As far as growing pot--think of all the sloughs we could 'rent' out. We would never need to worry about our bottom line again and agriculture might just prosper--say a 10% share of the marketed crop..that which we could not sell, we could smoke and then if things were bad in agriculture, none of us would care! I am being facetious here!
As far as growing pot--think of all the sloughs we could 'rent' out. We would never need to worry about our bottom line again and agriculture might just prosper--say a 10% share of the marketed crop..that which we could not sell, we could smoke and then if things were bad in agriculture, none of us would care! I am being facetious here!