Legalize and Regulate MJ?? Lets see-tobacco is legalized and regulated and yet statistics and science tell us that the health costs due to tobacco far exceed the tax revenue we receive or will ever receive. Speeding on highway 2 is done by over 80% of the people driving on this highway-Should we just increase the speed limit? Guns are regulated and controlled and yet they are still used to commit crimes.-I wander if we would ever get the costs of gun control showing us that this was a good way to use our tax dollars. I think that the answer is in our courts. If we get appropriate consequences for the crimes committed, we should get less crime-not more.
From all I have seen about teens on hard drugs I have noticed one common element-they all started with mj and graduated to a harder drug and everyone that has had successful rehabilitation states that mj should never be legalized.
From a father who has lived the devastation that mj causes.
From all I have seen about teens on hard drugs I have noticed one common element-they all started with mj and graduated to a harder drug and everyone that has had successful rehabilitation states that mj should never be legalized.
From a father who has lived the devastation that mj causes.