Public perception may have been that the gay marriage legislation was simply upholding a charter right, but that was not the case. Gay marriage was NOT deemed to be a charter right, and the courts threw it back into the hands of the politicians. So much for the democracy and the wishes of the majority. The simple fact is that most provinces gave all the same rights to gay couples anyway, only the marraige name was exclusively for traditional unions. Which is largely why I think the whole thing was a diversion of public attention from adscam and illegal diversions of taxpayers dollars to Liberal coffers.
You are right that there are conflicting stories in the Gomery inquiry, but since blame can't be assigned to individuals, it really won't accomplish much even if he does sort it out. When Gomery doesn't name names, (which he has not been explicitly given the power to do), the public will be expected to assume that no politicians are to blame, and it will be life as usual. The corruption will continue, with some modifications to procedure which will likely be ignored, like Canadian law was ignored in Chretians government, in which our current Prime Minister was a cabinet minister.
You are right that there are conflicting stories in the Gomery inquiry, but since blame can't be assigned to individuals, it really won't accomplish much even if he does sort it out. When Gomery doesn't name names, (which he has not been explicitly given the power to do), the public will be expected to assume that no politicians are to blame, and it will be life as usual. The corruption will continue, with some modifications to procedure which will likely be ignored, like Canadian law was ignored in Chretians government, in which our current Prime Minister was a cabinet minister.