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Let¹s Get While the Gettins¹ Good

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    Let¹s Get While the Gettins¹ Good

    Let¹s Get While the Gettins¹ Good

    This year Alberta is celebrating a century of existence as part of the
    Canadian federation of provinces. What better time, then, to take stock
    of Alberta¹s place in this arrangement, of how well it¹s been served in the
    past and what are its prospects for the future? The moment is especially
    propitious, since the whole country is being treated to a rare public
    exposure of how corrupt the Federal government, historically dominated by a Liberal party centred on Ontario and Quebec, actually ­ routinely -- is.

    To be sure, the 250 million dollars of graft involved in the ŒAdscam¹
    racket is but a small portion of Alberta¹s annual donation to keeping
    Quebec tenuously tethered to rest of Canada, barely a week¹s contribution of the 12 billion dollars Ottawa sucks out of Alberta every year in ŒEqualization¹ payments (which the Liberal party then uses to buy votes east of Cornwall), a mere $60 of the almost $3,000 that every man, woman, and child in Alberta pays per year for the privilege of remaining in a federation governed for the benefit of Ontario, Quebec, and cronies of the Liberal Party of Canada. Whereas kept here, that same money would provide every family of four a $35,000 car every three years. I¹d rather have the car.

    Better still, use the twelve billion to reduce the taxes on Alberta¹s
    citizens and businesses by that amount; let people spend their earnings as
    they please, and transform Alberta, already the most vibrant part of
    Canada, into the most attractive economic environment in all of North America. True, the population would double within ten years, but Alberta is a very big place, of almost unlimited potential. However, to realize that
    potential, we have to do one small thing: Declare our Independence --
    withdraw from the Canadian federation, become an independent commonwealth with our own sovereign government, directly answerable to no one but the people of Alberta.

    The political reality Albertans need to face is that the sponsorship
    scandal is not an aberration, but the epitome of the Liberal party¹s secret of perpetual success; it is their norm, and unusual only in the combination
    of brazenness and clumsiness that allowed it to come to the public¹s
    attention. However, it is the reaction of that public that reveals the depth of Canada¹s sickness. For as is now clear to even the meanest intelligence,
    the problem is not merely one of an arrogant, cynical ruling party that uses
    every unscrupulous and several criminal means to maintain its grip on
    power; nor that the bloated federal bureaucracies are thoroughly politicized, led by careerists who understand their self-interests to be wedded to Liberal party fortunes; nor that something similar is increasingly true of both the national police and the military establishments; nor that the opposition parties offer no credible alternative (as has become painfully obvious). All that is true, but what makes Canada¹s political sickness practically incurable is that a substantial majority of the citizens east of Thunder Bay are essentially debased.

    Like many hard truths people would prefer not to face, this bears
    repeating: a majority of Eastern Canadians are not worthy of their civic
    heritage, as is shown by their passive acceptance of the revelations of
    the Gomery commission and their casual indifference to the Liberals¹ squalid shenanigans in Parliament. Doubtless many Albertans naïvely presumed that the vast majority of Eastern Canadians would be thoroughly disgusted by Liberal party hacks skimming and outright looting public money under the guise of promoting national unity. Or at the very least, that they would ashamed to admit to pollsters that they would still vote for a party led by people who should be in jail.

    But obviously they are not. Thoroughly propagandized in the fantasy
    that Canada is the greatest country on earth, they are too cowardly to admit the fact that it¹s become a third-rate nation, a disgrace to its own
    history and traditions, and is governed like a banana republic. And so they
    haven¹t the gumption to throw the rascals out. If ever there was a people that got the government it deserved, Canada is the place. But it doesn¹t have to include us: we are not like them, and have no wish to become like them.

    An independent Alberta would be every bit as politically and economically viable as Norway, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand and several other advanced countries of comparable population (but of far less natural resources). Begin with the economical considerations, which fall into two broad categories.

    First, what is the cost of remaining within the present Confederation.
    The costs are very high. And what is the money we pay for the privilege
    actually being used for (besides Adscam and other Quebec payola): Gun
    registry, bilingualism, aboriginal affairs mis-management, the Kyoto scam,
    etc.? In the short run, the savings in transfer payments ­ to say nothing
    of the enormous expense of supporting another whole level of unnecessary government -- could be used to defray the costs of our transition to independence. But shortly thereafter, the saving applied to tax reduction would make Alberta the most economically attractive locale in all of North America.

    This bears directly on the second set of considerations, the viability of an independent Alberta. Professional economists have repeatedly shown
    that it would flourish, which our being able to offer the most attractive
    tax regime in North America would only further enhance. Even now
    North-South trade is as important to the Alberta economy as East West
    trade. Among other consequences, our population would increase dramatically within the first decade, as disaffected Canadians of enterprise and sensible social views moved here, replacing several times over the incorrigible Liberals sentimentally attached to Canadian Welfare Nannyism -- who (one hopes) would move to Ontario where they would feel right at home. You can¹t beat that: a perfect Œwin-win¹ outcome!

    However, the economic benefits would not be the most significant advantage of independence. Far more important is the fact that we would gain effective control over the social and political culture in which we live
    our daily lives. We would no longer be subject to the dictates of Liberal
    appointees to the Supreme Court of Canada pursuing a political agenda
    Albertans would reject were they given the chance to vote on it. Instead,
    as citizens of what could then be a genuine democracy, the laws and
    policies of a sovereign Alberta government would reflect the views of the people who live here -- on crime and punishment, on marriage and other family matters, on environmental protection, on religious freedom, on wildlife management, on firearm regulation, on narcotics, on immigration, on relations with the U.S. ­- all without regard for whatever Œhigher enlightenment¹ happens to be in fashion amongst Toronto¹s pontificating class and the mandarins of Ottawa.

    We can establish a social environment that will nurture the qualities
    of character that we naturally admire -- self-reliance, enterprise, honesty,
    fairness, attachment to liberty, loyalty to friends -- and thus belong to
    a country we can be justifiably proud of, one that is tolerant but
    principled, that actually stands for something positive, governed by one primary concern: the common good of Alberta. That is, our legislators, in framing laws and policies, would no longer be saddled with the necessity of keeping one eye on the Feds, on their use of our money and absurd Charter interpretations to manipulate our affairs. We could leave Œthe problems of Canadian federalism¹ and its endemic corruption behind us, once and for all.

    Whereas, if we remain subject to the decadent cultural and moral
    influence of central Canada for another generation, we will ourselves
    become increasingly infected with the qualities that since the Trudeau era have come to define Canadian Œnational¹ character ­ sanctimonious, resentful, whining, spiteful, hypocritical, preening, cowardly, feckless, weak. Some basis for pride! And what a contrast to the Canadian character of the preceding century, now sadly forgotten and even mocked by a majority of the population elsewhere in the country.

    Recently in a column for the Western Standard, Mark Steyn argued that the socio-political collapse of Europe is imminent, and that Canada ­ ³an
    honorary member of the EU² ­ may soon suffer the same fate. I wouldn¹t
    bet against it. As a Ship of State, Canada is structurally unsound, sailing
    aimlessly in a perpetual fog, captained by an endless succession of
    faux-gentile poseurs, pilferers, con artists and outright crooks. Sooner
    or later, it is bound to end up on the rocks and founder, and there is
    nothing we Albertans can do about that. But there is no reason for us to go down with it.

    Any naïve hope one might have placed in the reconstituted Conservative
    party has been short-lived. The depressing spectacle of their desperate
    efforts to avoid doing or saying anything that might upset the welfare
    mentality of the Maritimes, or provoke the wrath and ridicule of the
    so-called national media (actually the public voice of the
    Toronto-Montreal axis), while vainly pandering to the sensibilities of Quebec, simply confirms for the umpteenth time that nothing short of regime change can salvage political decency in Canada as a whole. But there¹s no chance of that.

    One can hardly blame the Conservatives, for they¹ve done the math:
    two-thirds of the seats in Parliament are at the disposal of voters in
    Ontario and Quebec, people cowed and corrupted by two generations of
    degenerative Liberal maternalism and endless streams of self-righteous
    propaganda. And being politicians, the federal Conservatives wish for
    success now; they have no stomach for spending years in the wilderness
    vainly striving to reform the moral posture of that decisive sector of the
    Canadian electorate. The basic facts determining the distribution of
    political power will not change, hence the Œme, too¹ character of their
    public policy positions. And, hence, the practical impossibility of
    structurally reforming the Canadian regime, wherein the Liberals have
    every reason to regard themselves as its natural rulers in perpetuity, and so
    can and do treat the whole country as their fiefdom.

    For anyone who understands the political reality of Canada as presently
    constituted, ŒThe West wants In¹ is a foolish irrelevance; our slogan should
    be, ŒThe West wants Out!¹ Why stay? Why fritter away our resources to
    remain in association with Eastern provinces so alien to us that
    demonizing Alberta -- portraying it as rustic, benighted, intolerant, selfish -- is the Liberals¹ most effective electoral strategy (as the recent federal election once again clearly showed).

    Why stay? Consider Canada¹s position internationally: it has become
    such a nonentity that there is no advantage in remaining a part of it, and
    some serious liabilities resulting from the souring of our inescapable
    relationship with the United States. The Federal Liberals have done
    enough stupid things of late to attract all the wrong kind of attention to

    Nor were these merely temporary lapses on their part; the gratuitous, and
    largely ignorant abuse of the U.S. issues out of a petty, resentful
    mentality that has been long and deeply cultivated, and is now the
    permanent mind-set of a majority of Eastern Canadians. Simply compare Canada¹s standing in the world right now, repeatedly disparaged by its NATO allies for its feeble contribution and despised by the nation it relies on to protect it. Compare this with the status of Australia, a robust, loyal,
    and active ally of the most powerful nation on earth -- and as such, respected by all nations. Were we on our own, would we not be able to have a far more productive and wholesome relationship with America?

    Why stay? This is a serious question, and it deserves a serious
    answer ­ not vacuous platitudes and emotional rhetoric, but sober, solid,
    rational analysis addressing the economic, moral, cultural, and political
    advantages of staying. I do not believe a case for staying can be made.
    And whatever temporary dislocations would attend separation are negligible compared to what we risk by doing nothing, allowing ourselves to drift further into the morass of contemporary Canada.

    Our province having been a distinct political entity of a hundred years
    existence, with an established institutional and geographic integrity, our
    focus must be on achieving independence for Alberta. We should not, that is, become mixed up with some amorphous ŒWestern separatism,¹ which to succeed would require creating an all-new political entity ­ a prospect subject to endless practical difficulties. If other provinces similarly opt for independence, that is their business, and we would wish them well.

    Or, if other provinces, or parts of provinces, should later wish to join an
    already sovereign and flourishing Alberta, that would be a matter for
    subsequent negotiation. In the meantime, our personal relationships with
    friends and family elsewhere in Canada need not be in the least affected
    by our becoming independent.

    We should undertake a move towards independence with a whole-hearted intention of achieving it ­ not, that is, as simply a tactic whereby to get (temporarily) a Œbetter deal¹ from Ottawa (i.e., get some of our money back, provided as a sop to assuage Œwestern alienation¹). What Albertans have to understand is that the present Canadian reality is profoundly prejudicial to the interests of our children and grandchildren ­ economically, culturally, morally, politically ­ and that there is no realistic prospect of it ever getting better in their lifetime. Quite the contrary: there is every likelihood that it will only get worse, as Canada goes the degenerating way of Old Europe: stagnant, corrupt, spiritless, impotent.

    Independence is not an impossible dream. It would take time and
    planning. The first step should be enactment of something like the
    Œfirewall¹ agenda: establish our own provincial police, collect our own
    taxes, take charge of our retirement and health care systems, etc. Equally
    important would be a sustained effort of public education to get the
    Alberta populace used to the idea (overcoming anxiety about its consequences, appealing to pride and a sense of enterprise and adventure, detailing ad nauseum the incorrigible moral bankruptcy of Canada as presently constituted and governed). Ultimately, success will depend on the emergence of some committed, shrewd, attractive political leadership. But if the ground is sufficiently prepared, someone of suitable political qualification and ambition will see the opportunity it presents, and seize it. Alberta has produced such leaders in the past, and can again. Build it, and they will come.

    The single greatest obstacle to our declaring independence is
    sentiment. As the whole contemporary world bears witness, sentiment, and emotions generally, are of massive importance in politics. Hence,
    rationality in politics depends on people coming to feel what their reason
    indicates they ought to feel. We ought to feel indignation. But for now,
    Albertans¹ sentimental attachment to Canada remains very strong. A
    succession of polls have shown that Alberta is the most patriotic province
    in the country; this is part of our virtue, and we should be proud of it.
    But we could as easily ­ and far more justifiably -- be proud, patriotic
    Albertans. For the ŒCanada¹ Albertans love is partly one of an illustrious
    but (sadly) bygone history. Mainly, however, it¹s the ŒCanada¹ we know
    firsthand, and that is Alberta -- truly a distinct society unto itself in
    the alien context of the New Canada fostered by the political
    establishment of the central provinces.

    We need have no fear of what could be a great adventure: founding a
    new country. Think of it. Think of the adventure of becoming masters of
    our own political house. Is this not an enterprise that could engage the
    spirit of Albertans, young and old? The only real obstacle is in
    ourselves: our misplaced sentimental attachment, which must and can be transferred from a weak and pacifistic Canada to a sovereign Alberta, strong and free.

    Leon Harold Craig
    Professor Emeritus of Political Science
    University of Alberta

    SSOOOOOOOOOOO how do we light the fire under the rest of Alberta....start /request a Commision to look into it?????


      I believe this guy has pretty well got it!
      Slowly the concept is gaining support? It used to be just a bunch of "radicals" that preached the message but lately a lot more people are getting on the bandwagon? Important businessmen are starting to get behind the idea, especially in Calgary and especially in the oil and gas business!


        Yes, cowman...a few more misguided people are talking about separation.

        Their collective asses are all sucking slough water too.

        Alberta without Canada would be just that...A little piece of North America without influence and totally dominated by American business interests, principally connected with resource extraction. It is bad enough now...good gawd do you want to really give in to foreign interests, only interested in moving as much product OUT of this province as fast as possible.

        Think about it carefully...don't get stampeded by these separatist twits. They don't have your or my interests at heart.


          Wilagow you are suggesting what might be...let me tell you what IS.

          Alberta within Canada is just that...a little piece of North America without influence and totally dominated by American business interests, principally connected with resource extraction. It is bad enough now...good gawd do you want to really give in to foreign interests, only interested in moving as much product OUT of this province as fast as possible.

          Take note wilagrow, Alberta has not been "protected" from the scary things you fear just because we are part of this CON-federation.

          Cute argument...but no bases in fact!


            Wilagro: Last year Alberta moved out product...$9.3 billion...in cold hard cash to Ottawa! Which incidently was $900,000 more than we recieved for all our oil and gas royalties? Are you kidding me?
            William Aberhart said it : If the people of Alberta haven't suffered enough...it is their God given right to suffer some more!
            Did you bother to even read what the professor said?
            I'm not being mislead or hoodwinked. My Father and Mother were both seperatists and I guess all my Grandparents were too. I look forward to the day when Alberta is a free nation!


              cowman it is obvious right now that Alberta cannot use our advantage to provide some relief to vehicle owners.
              The Province cannot lower provincial gasoline taxes because it might upset the rest of Canada !
              The Premier is indicating that they can lower income tax. Now this is great for those that are in a decent income bracket but those that are lower income earners still are faced with high gasoline prices, and they need to drive to work the same as everybody else.

              Lowering the gasoline tax straight across the board both Federal and Provincial is the best solution. The greed in Ottawa is staggering, and much of what they are reaping is on the backs of Albertans.


                Cowman: Tch, Tch….You have been sucking up the Separatist Party propaganda without checking the facts.

                First, the Province of Alberta does not send money to Ottawa for equalization payments. The Federal Government does provide equalization payments to the poorer provinces. This money comes from Ottawa’s general taxation and goes to the poorer provinces so that there is roughly an equal level of services and taxation throughout the country.

                The total amount transferred to the provinces amounts to $10billion for the entire country. The Province of Alberta never ever sent $9.3 billion to Ottawa plain and simple.

                The equalization program is defined as a Federal transfer program that allows all provinces, regardless of their ability to raise revenue, to provide roughly comparable levels of services at roughly comparable levels of taxation. Eligibility to receive equalization funding is determined by a formula measuring each province's revenue-raising capacity against a five-province standard. Currently, eight provinces receive equalization: Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.


                  In your dreams farm-boy...who's sucking up to what now.

                  Equalization is realy interprovincial socalisim that alows Quebec to lavisly and secretly support their ag sector, and others buy sucking (proper use of the word) Alberta cash through the feds.

                  It is called slight of hand. It is the same method that a pick pocket use's...make you look the other way. its a con!

                  It sure works on you farm-boy...you are so easily fooled.


                    Farmers_son, cowman may be sucking up the separatist propaganda, but the same might be said of you and the Liberal propaganda. I may not be a separatist, but they sure have a few valid points that deserve attention and not diversion. I am surprised that you would use the old divert and mislead tactic that the Liberals are famous for. I had come to expect more from you.

                    Where do you think all those funds in general revenue came from, but the Provinces? What ticks a lot of Albertans off if the fact that 10 billion more comes out of this province than ever comes back in, in any form. We don’t get transfer payments, nobody ever claimed that we do anywhere in this thread. I find it interesting though, that the equivalent to the entire cost of the provincial welfare system known as the transfer system is funded by Alberta. We could argue about the value of the federal transfer system and its effects on Canada’s people, but that would likely consume another whole thread, and is not really relevant to a discussion of how much Alberta puts into the kitty.

                    “the qualities that since the Trudeau era have come to define Canadian national character ¬ sanctimonious, resentful, whining, spiteful, hypocritical, preening, cowardly, feckless, weak.” A lot of these sentiments mentioned in the above posting are being aimed directly at Alberta and the Albertans who help fund this country’s reckless spending. If Martin is truly worried about western alienation then he’d better think about this a bit more.


                      For goodness sakes, I am not a Liberal, never have been and don’t expect to ever be. I have never had a membership in the Liberal party and can’t imagine I ever will.

                      However I am a Canadian. I do not think of myself as an Albertan even though I happen to live in Alberta. I have a Canadian flag on the side of our house, not an Alberta flag.

                      Total federal revenues for 2005 are projected to be 195 billion dollars. All of that money was sourced from one province or another. I do not recall seeing statistics showing federal revenues broken down by province but if Albertans and corporations in this province paid 9.3 or 10 billion in federal taxes that would not seem like a lot when compared to 195 billion country wide.

                      The Government of Canada provides financial support to the provincial and territorial governments most notably through the Canada Health Transfer (CHT), the Canada Social Transfer (CST), Equalization and Territorial Formula Financing (TFF).
                      Alberta does get federal transfer payments for health care, agriculture and so on exceeding 4 billion annually but not equalization payments. Just like Ontario although Ontario got more transfer payments than any other province even without equalization. If anyone is willing to look at the facts here are what the provinces received in total federal transfers in 2004-2005:

                      Alberta 4.3 Billion
                      BC 6.1 Billion
                      Yukon .5 Billion
                      NWT 0.7 Billion
                      Nunavut 0.8 Billion
                      Newfoundland and Labrador 1.3 Billion
                      PEI 0.4 Billion
                      Nova Scotia 2.4 Billion
                      New Brunswick 2.2 Billion
                      Quebec 13.8 Billion
                      Ontario 16.7 Billion
                      Manitoba 3.0 Billion
                      Saskatchewan 2.8 Billion


                      Equalization is just what it takes to make Canada work.

                      I think the oil and gas revenues will decline in the very foreseeable future. Alberta collected equalization payments prior to the 1970s and likely we will again.


                        "For goodness sakes, I am not a Liberal, never have been and don’t expect to ever be. I have never had a membership in the Liberal party and can’t imagine I ever will.

                        However I am a Canadian. I do not think of myself as an Albertan even though I happen to live in Alberta. I have a Canadian flag on the side of our house, not an Alberta flag."

                        Interesting how you NDPer's debate.

                        You start out loudly telling us that you are not a Liberal...then jump to telling us you are a Canadian...duh.

                        One is not the opposite of the other!!

                        If you think you are dazzeling us with your prowess at pulling stuff off of government web sites and then posting it here...well...knock yourself out.


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