I would assume the buyer knew the water situation as well as the other concerns before he bought the land? I would guess he ran it by the NRCB boys before he bought? That is pretty standard operating procedure these days for European farmers? They have a very good grasp on regulations and dealing with the beuracracy!
I doubt this land is slated for developement as it was all prime ag land and not all that close to Ponoka, although it was close to highway 2.
A modern dairy is a pretty clean operation? The manure is injected and they are ultra clean and don't stink up the country like a feedlot or hog barn?
I would assume they wouldn't get the opposition like the others?
I doubt this land is slated for developement as it was all prime ag land and not all that close to Ponoka, although it was close to highway 2.
A modern dairy is a pretty clean operation? The manure is injected and they are ultra clean and don't stink up the country like a feedlot or hog barn?
I would assume they wouldn't get the opposition like the others?