The reality is Albertans vote for a certain party regardless of its policies. In Alberta the vast majority of people will vote Conservative without regard to the capabilities of the candidate or the policies of the various other parties. The national parties know this. That kind of brain dead allegiance to any one party, irregardless of which party that may be, sidelines Alberta in the national debate.
When we recall how close the last federal election was we should not be surprised in the upcoming election if the various parties are going to focus their attention on those ridings who actually may be persuaded to vote for them. There would only be one riding in Alberta that would qualify, Edmonton Center. The voters in that riding will be very influential in the next election, the rest of us Albertans not at all. As rural Albertans we should not expect the policies that appeal to the people in Edmonton Center would necessarily suit us. However Edmonton Center is a swing riding and will be the focus of national attention. Their vote is important, the rest of us not at all as it is a foregone conclusion who will win, as you say point out, in the other ridings. Albertans would be more influential nationally if they voted strategically instead of trotting out old loyalties.
I know I get branded in these pages, unfairly I might say, as a Liberal. But in most Alberta ridings, the end result of voting Conservative election after election is our vote is taken for granted and really does not count.
When we recall how close the last federal election was we should not be surprised in the upcoming election if the various parties are going to focus their attention on those ridings who actually may be persuaded to vote for them. There would only be one riding in Alberta that would qualify, Edmonton Center. The voters in that riding will be very influential in the next election, the rest of us Albertans not at all. As rural Albertans we should not expect the policies that appeal to the people in Edmonton Center would necessarily suit us. However Edmonton Center is a swing riding and will be the focus of national attention. Their vote is important, the rest of us not at all as it is a foregone conclusion who will win, as you say point out, in the other ridings. Albertans would be more influential nationally if they voted strategically instead of trotting out old loyalties.
I know I get branded in these pages, unfairly I might say, as a Liberal. But in most Alberta ridings, the end result of voting Conservative election after election is our vote is taken for granted and really does not count.