Cowman has raised some very good points. NAFTA did take away Canada’s natural advantage of having oil and gas resources under its lands. Before NAFTA Canada did have in place energy policies that in effect created an advantage for Canadians with Canadian oil and gas. NAFTA took that all away. NAFTA in effect moved all the oil and gas under Canada and shifted it into the United States because after all if you have unrestricted access to something you basically own it. The U.S. does not care about the price of energy because the money basically all flows back to them anyway. Albertans and Canadians are really ill informed to think of “their” energy, the Americans have it all. Think of NAFTA as the U.S. directionally drilling into the heart of Alberta and pumping all of what was our energy south of the border.
NAFTA took away Canadians and Albertans birth right, the energy gift we were blessed with has been handed over to the Americans. We did this for free trade and in case you all have forgotten, the Yankees are still not buying our cows and cow beef. Maybe in 2007, this is still 2005.
Is that an example of a market economy? Is it an example of a market economy when an Alberta farmer sells a cow for $400 less than if that same cow was sold by a Montana rancher yet that Montana rancher drives a new pickup powered by gasoline that came from Alberta and pays less for that gas than we do.
Think of Poland or USSR? Better to think of Mexico because we are going to be no better than Mexicans if NAFTA is in place for another 20 years and our energy advantage is gone. Canada’s opportunity to lever our energy resources into a diversified and powerful economy disappeared with NAFTA. Thanks Brian Mulroney.
NAFTA took away Canadians and Albertans birth right, the energy gift we were blessed with has been handed over to the Americans. We did this for free trade and in case you all have forgotten, the Yankees are still not buying our cows and cow beef. Maybe in 2007, this is still 2005.
Is that an example of a market economy? Is it an example of a market economy when an Alberta farmer sells a cow for $400 less than if that same cow was sold by a Montana rancher yet that Montana rancher drives a new pickup powered by gasoline that came from Alberta and pays less for that gas than we do.
Think of Poland or USSR? Better to think of Mexico because we are going to be no better than Mexicans if NAFTA is in place for another 20 years and our energy advantage is gone. Canada’s opportunity to lever our energy resources into a diversified and powerful economy disappeared with NAFTA. Thanks Brian Mulroney.