What was the original intention of public healthcare? Was it a place for old ladies to go visit the doctor when they felt lonely? Was it a form of cheap birth control? Was it designed so we could destroy anti-biotics by giving little Johnnie a pill everytime he had a snotty nose?...I don't think so...
Wasn't the original purpose to provide a safety net so a family wouldn't be wiped out financially by a long term health problem?
This "public health care system" has grown into a monster that is out of control! Where does it all end?
The saddest thing that has happened is this "system" has taken away the responsibility of the individual! Being on the government tit tends to do that?
In everything we do, we should be responsible for ourselves. Government is NEVER the answer!
If Klein can introduce some sort of system that lowers the cost to the Alberta taxpayer then that is a good idea? If he can shift some of the responsibility for an individuals health back onto the individual...then that is a good idea?
Several on here won't agree with me and that is okay. And yep I've had close family members die of cancer etc. and yes it is an ugly disease and a very expensive disease to fight, but the fact is all the money in the world isn't going to save a lot of these people anyway...so why waste it!
I have a rare genetic disease that is terminal. Doesn't mean I'm going to roll over dead tommorrow or something! The main stream medical system would have killed me! Now I go to the "witch doctor"(on my own dime) and think I might just live to a ripe old age(and actually enjoy the ride!)!
Personally I couldn't care or less if they bull dozed every hospital tommorrow! If you want to die...go to the hospital! Back in old England the hospital was called by its real name..."the pest house"...and that is where they sent you to die!
Wasn't the original purpose to provide a safety net so a family wouldn't be wiped out financially by a long term health problem?
This "public health care system" has grown into a monster that is out of control! Where does it all end?
The saddest thing that has happened is this "system" has taken away the responsibility of the individual! Being on the government tit tends to do that?
In everything we do, we should be responsible for ourselves. Government is NEVER the answer!
If Klein can introduce some sort of system that lowers the cost to the Alberta taxpayer then that is a good idea? If he can shift some of the responsibility for an individuals health back onto the individual...then that is a good idea?
Several on here won't agree with me and that is okay. And yep I've had close family members die of cancer etc. and yes it is an ugly disease and a very expensive disease to fight, but the fact is all the money in the world isn't going to save a lot of these people anyway...so why waste it!
I have a rare genetic disease that is terminal. Doesn't mean I'm going to roll over dead tommorrow or something! The main stream medical system would have killed me! Now I go to the "witch doctor"(on my own dime) and think I might just live to a ripe old age(and actually enjoy the ride!)!
Personally I couldn't care or less if they bull dozed every hospital tommorrow! If you want to die...go to the hospital! Back in old England the hospital was called by its real name..."the pest house"...and that is where they sent you to die!