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$1000 per hour made on farm!!!

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    $1000 per hour made on farm!!!

    I made $1000 the other day doing probably not an hours worth of work.What I did was fill out the forms to get my FNA glyphosate this spring.This was the figure for my farm,yours may be greater.

    This is just a friendly reminder to use FNA's services and to say to hell with Monsanto's $2.99 offer.They made enough off of us in the past...

    where can a guy get the forms


      Now I'm not sure of all the numbers so tell me, is Clearout cheaper than $2.99/acre? And does FNA deliver it as close as your local fertilizer dealer does roundup?
      I ask this because last year I went to a seminar put on by DOW where the rep said some of these guys were driving hundreds of miles to pick up Clearout? He also claimed quite often the shipments were short of product and the farmers had to make another trip. Is this true?
      DOW produces their own glyphosfate(Vantage, I believe) and their price was exactly the same as Round Up. I would suppose they have lowered their price to $2.99/acre also.


        Its delivered to your farm for that price all you need is a way to get the barrols out of a trailer truck. Dont believe every thing these companys tell you.
        hay have a good day.


          Cowman, Monsanto is basing their $2.99/acre on a 1/3 rate/acre. Clearout is around the price of 4.20/litre this works out to 1.27/acre with clearout per 1/3 liter/acre. I know alot of guys who see the $2.99/acre and get confused. Monsanto works out $9.86/liter at their price. Hope this makes sense.


            Isnt the cheap monsanto product more concentrated? There 2.99/ac price has the equivilent of 1/2L of active ingredient in it? Just trying to compare apples to apples. (it still looks like clearout is $1/ac cheaper?)


              Transorb HC is 560 g active load chmistry. 2.99 rate if for what is REL or Roudup Equivalent litre (orignal 360 g active load product). It is also based on the new K salt formulation, same as wmax. This is a newer formulation than the chinese made (chypohosphate). If you a looking for a no service, low cost, local solution from NA mfg plants ask for Renegage HC, also new from Monsanto. 560 gram K salt formulation, available in jugs and totes. SRP is 4.70 litre or or 2.35 1/2 litre. Got leter from Dow in mail this week said I qualified for for 2.99 Vantage max less $.30 litre. hope this helps folks figure it out, i like the deal on Renegade myself, least cost, not membership fees, high concentration, pick it up as I need it.....hooray for competition


                northfarmer: That is very interesting about the product Renegade and also the Vantage Max? I assume Vantage Max would be equivalent to a Round Up Weathermax? The old Vantage plus was 356 g...while Roundup weathermax is 540 g? I don't find Renegade listed in the 2005 Blue book so assume it would be a new product...listed in 2006?
                Was quite pleased how weathermax worked last year under fairly wet conditions. If Vantage Max was equivalent at less than $2.99/acre I would say it was a very good buy?


                  Also: It has been interesting that a product like Clearout could come in and lower prices so dramatically? I wonder how long until other products might show up? I understand the patent thing and realize the glyphosfate patent had run out.
                  Some of the picloram products have been around for a long time and are very expensive. Do you think there would ever be a generic product that might come on the market?
                  In fact most farm chemicals are pretty expensive? Industrial ones even more so! Maybe we need the Chinese moving into some of these other areas as well?


                    the patent has been off glyphosste for 15 years. So we have been paying thru the nose for 15 years.

                    years ago Mulroney and the chem conpanys sat down and drew up the Cdn. rules. The new rules created all kinds of super expensive barriers , regulations , hurdles to prevent registering a generic.

                    So the only way for a generic to come in (get regestered) would be with huge money backing.
                    and once your in ,your up against the good old boys, they will compete then and try and run you out of town.

                    the clear out is only comeing in thru a loophole the OUI , own use importation permit. ( and now the big guys , pretend to compete)

                    we really need a change in the law to allow competition in the chem. industry. They have a total supply management.long after patents have expired.

                    With real competition our chem costs would be cut in half.


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