Well Linda I will agree...the whole situation isn't really much different at all than the public system? So why are people going nuts over it? It is just a small tweaking of the system, not wholesale slaughter?
What was the original intention of medi-care? Was it to take away peoples responsibility for their own lives and turn them into wards of the state...or was it to make sure they weren't wiped out financially when they got sick?
Where is the accountability today? Why not be a drunk, smoke like a chiminey, get fat as a hog...the government will pay!
My own idea on the situation is this: Compulsory medical insurance, regulated by the state. Just like your car insurance?
Now if you want to pound down a bottle of whisky every day, smoke a couple of packs of cigarettes, eat ten big Macs...then perhaps your premium might be higher? And if you want to trot off to the doctor everytime you have a hangnail...then maybe you wouldn't have any deductible...and of course pay more? If you wanted to keep your cost reasonable( as in your car insurance) then you might have $500 or $1,000 deductible or whatever worked for you?
No need to have a big government beuracracy administrating the whole thing...Mutual of Omaha will do it cheaper and better than a bunch of fat civil servants?
Now of course that won't be happening, here in the great white north, as we have slipped way to far into this concept that the government knows best and will be there to baby us for life?
But eventually if we don't do something to get this health care spending back in control the public system will collapse in on itself, where we will get no healthcare...just the bill!
And I will agree we don't know all the details? Before Ralph can even lay them out the scream goes up from all the lefties "Spend more money!"...not improve anything...just "Spend more money"!
I am sorry but "Spend more money" just doesn't cut it anymore. This province spends too much money on this problem already and spending more will just encourage the parasites working the system to ask for more!
Frankly I am glad my premier is trying to find a solution by spending less! Lord knows he hasn't kept a tight fist on the purse strings for quite awhile!
If you consider that a government is nothing more than a management team we hire to protect our assetts...then I would ask...how are they doing? Do we want them to blow two thirds of our revenue on something that obviously isn't working(education and healthcare)? Don't you think we should ask them to be fiscally responsible and allocate our revenue to our needs? How good would it be if we spent all our money on education and healthcare...but the roads were so poor that we couldn't get to the hospital or school...or get to our jobs so we could pay the parasites! There has to be some common sense brought into this province.
What was the original intention of medi-care? Was it to take away peoples responsibility for their own lives and turn them into wards of the state...or was it to make sure they weren't wiped out financially when they got sick?
Where is the accountability today? Why not be a drunk, smoke like a chiminey, get fat as a hog...the government will pay!
My own idea on the situation is this: Compulsory medical insurance, regulated by the state. Just like your car insurance?
Now if you want to pound down a bottle of whisky every day, smoke a couple of packs of cigarettes, eat ten big Macs...then perhaps your premium might be higher? And if you want to trot off to the doctor everytime you have a hangnail...then maybe you wouldn't have any deductible...and of course pay more? If you wanted to keep your cost reasonable( as in your car insurance) then you might have $500 or $1,000 deductible or whatever worked for you?
No need to have a big government beuracracy administrating the whole thing...Mutual of Omaha will do it cheaper and better than a bunch of fat civil servants?
Now of course that won't be happening, here in the great white north, as we have slipped way to far into this concept that the government knows best and will be there to baby us for life?
But eventually if we don't do something to get this health care spending back in control the public system will collapse in on itself, where we will get no healthcare...just the bill!
And I will agree we don't know all the details? Before Ralph can even lay them out the scream goes up from all the lefties "Spend more money!"...not improve anything...just "Spend more money"!
I am sorry but "Spend more money" just doesn't cut it anymore. This province spends too much money on this problem already and spending more will just encourage the parasites working the system to ask for more!
Frankly I am glad my premier is trying to find a solution by spending less! Lord knows he hasn't kept a tight fist on the purse strings for quite awhile!
If you consider that a government is nothing more than a management team we hire to protect our assetts...then I would ask...how are they doing? Do we want them to blow two thirds of our revenue on something that obviously isn't working(education and healthcare)? Don't you think we should ask them to be fiscally responsible and allocate our revenue to our needs? How good would it be if we spent all our money on education and healthcare...but the roads were so poor that we couldn't get to the hospital or school...or get to our jobs so we could pay the parasites! There has to be some common sense brought into this province.