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baby seals and the CBC

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    baby seals and the CBC

    Last night they had a show on the seal harvest in Newfoundland and how all these dingbats are protesting it?
    Now I don't know about you but are these city slickers crazy or something? Where do they think that tasty steak on their plate comes from? How about the leather seats on the BMW or Mercedes? How about those fancy $400 Italian shoes?
    And is the CBC being helpful by showing these nuts laying on the ice cooing away to these little fluffy teddy bear seal pups? Well I hate to tell them but that little fluff ball grows up to be a big ugle seal that is basically vermin? A baby gopher is a cute little thing too, but that doesn't mean we should worship them or something!
    This hunt is regulated and quotas are assigned so what is the problem?
    Personally I think city slickers are too far removed from reality and should just stay in their darned concrete jungles and leave the poor guys trying to feed their families alone?

    I think there must be better ways to dispatch a baby seal than clubbing it to death. That is why there is such an outcry.

    Some restaurants in the US are already refusing to serve seafood from canada, and Walmart has removed seal oil capsules from their shelves across Canada.
    If I were making my living from the fishing industry I would be encouraging a more humane method of slaughter ASAP.


      One of the best things the new fed govt could do would be to eliminate any funding to the CBC. Why should we support a broadcaster that not only competes against private enterprise with public money but also consistently has a left-wing agenda?

      As far as the seal hunt is concerned I don't see anything wrong with clubbing the seals. These guys have only been doing it (or their families) for hundreds of years so they likely know what they're doing! The fact is that the only reason Bardot and McCartney and all these other wingnuts are even interested is because the seals are cute when they're little.

      If they looked like, say, cod, you can bet these celebrities wouldn't be crying.



        I read they cannot club the nice fluffy white ones anymore but that info seems to be missing from all the newsclips.


          No they have to shoot them. The clubbing clips are all at least 20 years old now. Sometimes they show them hooking dead ones to drag them to the boat and let people assume they're clubbing live seals.

          Anyone for a seal burger?



            Some of them shoot them. But even on that CBC spot, one of the sealers interviewed said he uses the club and hook to kill and carry them, so it still is used. I have seen footage of them shooting them, so I know they do that too. It's more or less based on the fact that it is happening in the open air. Most people are clueless how the hamburger ends up at McDonalds.

            I laughed at one of the clips that showed McCartney on his stomach reaching to pet one of the pups and it snapped at him. I was hoping that Mom was going to pop out of the water and see how fast Paul can get off his butt and run.


              If momma seal had showed up she would have summoned the spirits..........
              "Beatle juice, Beatle juice, Beatle juice......

              Gee my kids loved that movie!


                Shoot them, or club them...what is the difference? You can be a lousy shot...just as much as being a lousy clubber!
                Maybe the CBC needs to do a documentary on the garbage that goes on inside a packing house or for that matter down at the local auction barn? Then we could have a ban on all meat and leather production? Or how about deer hunting where they blow legs off and then chase the old deer around blasting body parts off for awhile?
                It's a hard old world out there. Instead of these "Media stars" getting their shorts in a knot over a few old seals maybe they could get concerned about all the little black kids getting butchered in Africa?
                Many of these celebrities don't live in reality? They live like kings on the backs of the little people...who have to do the dirty work?
                The really disgusting thing is, as kpb pointed out, that our good old commie CBC is right there to sensationalize these goofs! The CBC always puts a slant on everything they air...and it is always a red slant!...Now all media has a slant? But it really bugs me that my tax dollars go to support a view I don't agree with!


                  cowman: I find that CBC Newsworld has done pretty good balanced reporting on the whole seal hunt. Showing Bridget Bardot in all of her decrepit state was well done. Over all, I thinks they showed support for the sealers and the industry.

                  I watch CBC quite a bit but also watch CTV and those crappy 'merican TV channels as well. I especially despise FOX. They always put Canada in a bad light.


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