I think rook has hit the nail on the head. I do not dispute that small farmers can make money. Good on them I say. But if your farm grosses less than $50,000 I don't care how good your managment is, you are not going to be able to raise a family in a reasonable way, or receive a decent return on capital, on whatever you are able to net out.
My point is exactly what rook described quite well. If as an industry we want to be treated seriously by the government and the people of Canada we cannot include as bona fide farmers everyone who has two mules and a goat. There has to be a reasonable expectation of a viable self-sustaining business or we'll just get laughed at. I think the $50,000 threshold is more than fair and very attainable to anyone who is serious about full-time farming.
My point is exactly what rook described quite well. If as an industry we want to be treated seriously by the government and the people of Canada we cannot include as bona fide farmers everyone who has two mules and a goat. There has to be a reasonable expectation of a viable self-sustaining business or we'll just get laughed at. I think the $50,000 threshold is more than fair and very attainable to anyone who is serious about full-time farming.