I guess if the marketplace can't support an industry...then the question needs to be asked: Should that industry be propped up and allowed to continue? Are subsidies the answer?
Don't get me wrong here...everyone in Canada is on the government tit to one extent or another! Its called living in the socialist welfare state...which is just peachy except for one thing...it really doesn't work!
When the state takes care of you from cradle to grave, it owns you? When the "majority" is more important than the individual, you are on the road to slavery!
The truly successful economies of the past were built on individual initiative and "small" government that got the hell out of the way of people to live their lives as they saw fit and be responsible for themselves!
Ask yourself this: Does the government really need to be involved in education, healthcare, social injustices? Do they really need to tax us at a rate approaching 70% of GDP? We sure seem to be paying a lot to have the government cuddle and control us?
Don't get me wrong here...everyone in Canada is on the government tit to one extent or another! Its called living in the socialist welfare state...which is just peachy except for one thing...it really doesn't work!
When the state takes care of you from cradle to grave, it owns you? When the "majority" is more important than the individual, you are on the road to slavery!
The truly successful economies of the past were built on individual initiative and "small" government that got the hell out of the way of people to live their lives as they saw fit and be responsible for themselves!
Ask yourself this: Does the government really need to be involved in education, healthcare, social injustices? Do they really need to tax us at a rate approaching 70% of GDP? We sure seem to be paying a lot to have the government cuddle and control us?