Linda, the county usually does not make a huge amount of money off residential assessment. You have to consider all the services that country residential demands. Recreation, increased fire and ambulance service, paved roads etc. The real money maker for municipalities is power and pipeline linear assessment and machinery and equipment assessment plus commercial and industrial.
As far as annexation goes, the MGA allows urban centres to file to annex lands from adjacent rural municipalities if those lands are necessary for the growth of the urban centre. Annexation for people and assessment is not allowed, so the urban centre must come up with a very good reason for lands that contain people. For example if there were a number of undeveloped parcels near some that were developed, the urban centre may request the ability to annex those lands so they can have further residential or commercial development.
As far as rural Alberta putting up with it, it is written in legislation, and rural municipalities have input into every single amendment to the MGA.
As far as annexation goes, the MGA allows urban centres to file to annex lands from adjacent rural municipalities if those lands are necessary for the growth of the urban centre. Annexation for people and assessment is not allowed, so the urban centre must come up with a very good reason for lands that contain people. For example if there were a number of undeveloped parcels near some that were developed, the urban centre may request the ability to annex those lands so they can have further residential or commercial development.
As far as rural Alberta putting up with it, it is written in legislation, and rural municipalities have input into every single amendment to the MGA.