Coppertop: You know as well as I do that there is the "world according to the rules", and then there is the "real world"?
If the reeve says to the CAO "I think you need to reconsider this."...then he is going to give it some considerable thought?...Like maybe, because if he doesn't...he just might get his fingers slapped when the reeve goes in and talks to the old boys club on council? Come know how politics works?
And you also know a councillor can get a whole lot done, behind the scenes, talking to the staff? If a councillor goes to the Ag fieldman and says hey Range Road 22 needs to be sprayed...he isn't going to tell her/him to go to hell, or take that request over to the CAO? And that happens in every maybe it is different in your county...but it sure works that way around here! If I have a problem with a bad road I don't even phone my councillor first...first I phone the contract co-ordinator, if that doesn't work then I phone the councillor...and I know she gives the operations manager a call! She doesn't ask the CAO!
Now without a doubt...the "rules" say that isn't how it should work...but in fact that is just how it does work!!? If everyone went by the "rules" nothing would get done.
If the reeve says to the CAO "I think you need to reconsider this."...then he is going to give it some considerable thought?...Like maybe, because if he doesn't...he just might get his fingers slapped when the reeve goes in and talks to the old boys club on council? Come know how politics works?
And you also know a councillor can get a whole lot done, behind the scenes, talking to the staff? If a councillor goes to the Ag fieldman and says hey Range Road 22 needs to be sprayed...he isn't going to tell her/him to go to hell, or take that request over to the CAO? And that happens in every maybe it is different in your county...but it sure works that way around here! If I have a problem with a bad road I don't even phone my councillor first...first I phone the contract co-ordinator, if that doesn't work then I phone the councillor...and I know she gives the operations manager a call! She doesn't ask the CAO!
Now without a doubt...the "rules" say that isn't how it should work...but in fact that is just how it does work!!? If everyone went by the "rules" nothing would get done.