This county went on a five year paving spree to the detriment of the gravel roads. There was a lot less shoulderpulling, etc. The past two years with a different council have seen them trying to do damage control and get the local gravel roads back into decent shape. With the increased traffic in the resource industry the roads are really getting put to the test.
Every project came in higher than expected in 2006, so thankfully the council had put a considerable amount in contingency to deal with the cost over runs. One thing that we used to do was have a night crew on during the winter, it cost more but during storms the plow trucks would get the roads open during the night, then the graders would go out first thing in the morning and wing them out etc. Since that was discontinued there have been numerous times that the school busses haven't been able to travel due to drifted in roads.
Every project came in higher than expected in 2006, so thankfully the council had put a considerable amount in contingency to deal with the cost over runs. One thing that we used to do was have a night crew on during the winter, it cost more but during storms the plow trucks would get the roads open during the night, then the graders would go out first thing in the morning and wing them out etc. Since that was discontinued there have been numerous times that the school busses haven't been able to travel due to drifted in roads.