I would say, overall, 2007 should be a year of optomism in rural Canada?
This year, old cattle and beef should start to enter the US and we should get more from the market...than shooting them and letting the vet work them over!
Its got to be fairly rosy for the grain farmer? The ethanol and bio deisel thing have got to bring some enthusiasm back into the business?
No matter what your political stripe is, it has to be promising that we have a farmer as premier and a predominantly rural cabinet? Suerly they should understand some of the issues we face?
Economic activity in the oil patch will remain strong despite some temporary setbacks in the exploration end?
We have a government in Ottawa that is "Western Canada" friendly...perhaps the first one in decades?
Hopefully this will be the year the western grainfarmer will be finally free from a devastating forced monopoly? Hopefully once it is gone the west will aquire some value added processing?
In Alberta, at least, we went into fall with excellent moisture conditions and that should be very benificial for a good start for the crops?
All in all I see a year that should be better! What do you think?
This year, old cattle and beef should start to enter the US and we should get more from the market...than shooting them and letting the vet work them over!
Its got to be fairly rosy for the grain farmer? The ethanol and bio deisel thing have got to bring some enthusiasm back into the business?
No matter what your political stripe is, it has to be promising that we have a farmer as premier and a predominantly rural cabinet? Suerly they should understand some of the issues we face?
Economic activity in the oil patch will remain strong despite some temporary setbacks in the exploration end?
We have a government in Ottawa that is "Western Canada" friendly...perhaps the first one in decades?
Hopefully this will be the year the western grainfarmer will be finally free from a devastating forced monopoly? Hopefully once it is gone the west will aquire some value added processing?
In Alberta, at least, we went into fall with excellent moisture conditions and that should be very benificial for a good start for the crops?
All in all I see a year that should be better! What do you think?