How do you see this biofuel thing going? Will it be a major revolution in how we do agriculture, or a minor hiccup?
When you take one quarter of the land out of the "food" market, what are the implications?
Combine that with other environmental measures such as carbon credits and research into even better forms of biofuel and where do you see this going?
Personally I think it is the best thing since pizza! People don't put a lot of value on food but seem to really like driving! If you give them what they want you should be able to make money?
As in any revolution, there are winners and losers? I think the grainfarmer is going to be a big winner, and the cattle and hog farmer the big loser...but then it usually isn't all that hard to jump on the bandwagon of the winners!
I think it will be very good for the rural communities. Lots of jobs, lots of money floating around?
When you take one quarter of the land out of the "food" market, what are the implications?
Combine that with other environmental measures such as carbon credits and research into even better forms of biofuel and where do you see this going?
Personally I think it is the best thing since pizza! People don't put a lot of value on food but seem to really like driving! If you give them what they want you should be able to make money?
As in any revolution, there are winners and losers? I think the grainfarmer is going to be a big winner, and the cattle and hog farmer the big loser...but then it usually isn't all that hard to jump on the bandwagon of the winners!
I think it will be very good for the rural communities. Lots of jobs, lots of money floating around?