cowman,If I remember correctly I think my point was that no leader can change legislation on their own. The support from the entire PC caucus must be in place to put forward changes or amendments to legislation. Urban MLA's aren't likely to know or care about how surface rights legislation affects landowners, so any amendments will be up to rural MLA's to push forward if they are going to happen. Morton is the Minister of the porfolio that oversees the Surface Rights Board so if he was sincere about his intentions, he is certainly in a position to make changes, providing that he can get his colleagues onside.
I would suspect that some of the surface rights issues will be rolled into the Land Use Policy Framework. My understanding is that a draft policy will be rolled out for public consultation in a few weeks.
I would suspect that some of the surface rights issues will be rolled into the Land Use Policy Framework. My understanding is that a draft policy will be rolled out for public consultation in a few weeks.