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The plot thickens!

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    There is a lot more to this story that is not beening told, but before I tell you about it let me make something clear, there is only a handful of the councilors I like or respect and the reeve is not one of them.
    This is the problem, 95% of the county's tax revenues currently come from gasoline alley and almost none of the electrit lives there. The loss of this revenue would prove to be a big blow for the county. So, you understand why a lot of effort is being put into the fight inclading efforts by some very rural councilors I do respect.
    If the county suceeds the rural resident will be the winners but, only after the costs of the developement debt have been met. If the county looses to the City of Red Deer the debt will be paid off and the county will be left from the fees paid by the city to the county, money that could fix all the rural problems at once ( of course we all know that like any government they would soon piss it away leaving us rate payer holding the bag.
    Long term thinkers verse short term thinkers; so, what you have is a divisive issue. Now add to this the idea and now to be elected mayor and what do you get? A political want-to-be stirring the pot, not to for the division of the county as you claim, but for your own political ambissions to be county mayor.
    Watch he will not get the support to divide the county but he will get a lot of attention, that he will use to shine the light on himself for mayor. Poor me I might have to vote for the current reeve for mayor because the only thing I hate more than politicians is political-want-to-bees. Excuse me while I go through up!!!!!!


      cowdog, first I am positive that gasoline alley does not provide 95% of your county's assessment base. Municipalities are paid for power and pipeline, ( linear ) assessment plus Machinery and equipment assessment on all resource and power installations not just those in gasoline alley. The big issue is that gasoline alley provides most of the industrial assessment to your county. The city wants it but the county has told the city they can grow in another direction.
      If the annexation is successful and the city does gain control of gasoline alley the county must be compensated for the loss of assessment, so would not be a total loss.

      It is not going to matter who sits in the council seats once an annexation is in process, the process will involve mediation, public meetings, and if all that fails to come to an agreement the Municipal Government Board will make the final recommendation to cabinet who has the final say . In every one of these rural/urban conflicts it is much better to solve the issue locally, vs having the decision made by those who aren't directly involved in the situation or affected by the outcome.

      If I were a betting person, I would suggest that the county will not lose gasoline alley, but in order to keep it they are spenging a lot of time and tax dollars in the battle, which, is likely why some folks in the outer edges of the county feel they are not getting the attention and programs they deserve.


        Cowdog: Not sure who you are referring to as the "wanna be mayor"? Is it the spokesman for this group?
        Maybe a run by someone on this issue would work, but I would think someone with some experience in government might have a better chance of being successful?
        I think the present Reeve probably wants the job...don't know who else is expressing any interest...other than Greg Johnson former councillor in Div 2?
        In my own opinion this present council has let costs get out of control and has put too much emphasis on things other than the nuts and bolts! When you go from an operating budget of $15.7 million to $19.7 million in one year...you've got to say WHOA 25% increase!


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