Well you might be right...Sask might get more in the long run for oil...who knows? Maybe the old saying" If they pass you they must be an idiot from Alberta" comes from the fact on most Alberta roads the pot holes aren't three feet deep!Dumb Albertans not knowing they are going back fifty years in time when they cross the border! LOL
I believe your gambling figures are wrong? I think it is a bit under $1 million? But whatever...you got to have a dollar if you want to play the slots! I suspect Saskatchewan citizens aren't exactly "shrinking violets" when it comes to gambling? Now maybe I am wrong and they are all little comrades who decry the evil empire? I wonder who spends all that money at your Indian casinos?...Probably evil Albertans?
I believe your gambling figures are wrong? I think it is a bit under $1 million? But whatever...you got to have a dollar if you want to play the slots! I suspect Saskatchewan citizens aren't exactly "shrinking violets" when it comes to gambling? Now maybe I am wrong and they are all little comrades who decry the evil empire? I wonder who spends all that money at your Indian casinos?...Probably evil Albertans?