The southern prairies are the sunniest and dryest parts of Canada and actually produce a significant amount of solar energy in winter.
December and January are low production months, But February March are actually pretty good with low sun angles. PV panels are more efficient at colder temperatures and the suns energy reflects well off of the snow.
And of course wind energy, hydro and fossil fuel grid backup can do the rest.
EVs are 80% efficient compared to 20% for ICEs means that overall we will need much less energy because of the efficiency gains.
December and January are low production months, But February March are actually pretty good with low sun angles. PV panels are more efficient at colder temperatures and the suns energy reflects well off of the snow.
And of course wind energy, hydro and fossil fuel grid backup can do the rest.
EVs are 80% efficient compared to 20% for ICEs means that overall we will need much less energy because of the efficiency gains.