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They said it was climate change

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    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post

    If I were an indigenous person, I would take serious offense at this statement.
    Their ancestors migrated here at the end of an ice age. Survived through the following wild temperature swings, including a 10 degree drop into the younger dryas, and subsequent 10 degree recovery. They survived the little ice age and the medieval warm period.
    They hunted many of their larger mammals to Extinction and still survived.
    Inuit have survived in the Arctic in conditions that white people can't even imagine.
    They survived the decades long droughts in the 13th and 16th centuries. Droughts which dwarf anything we have known in the recorded history.

    Now some presumptuous white person in academia has the audacity claim their way of life will be impossible if plant fertilizer increases slightly.
    Way too many facts at once, must have looped liberal mind...

    Read s l o w l y, answer the points, we dare you.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      And as if you ever cared about first nation, culture, history or achievements!
      Yet again, Chuck, your mind reading abilities are a dismal failure.

      I'm curious, do you use these hopeless tactics when having discussions with your wife? And how does it typically turn out when you tell her what she thinks because you have read her mind?


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        Did you not notice all the forest fire smoke and record area burned in 2023 Shite for brains? I guess not!
        Did you notice all the chuckroach types that are charged with arson? It’s the far left sparking up the forest fires, how many pyromaniacs are running around with a Bic? That would be a Bic lighter.


          "It’s the far left sparking up the forest fires," Huh?

          So the increase in fires is never due to hotter and dryer weather and lightning which is the biggest cause?

          Accidental human causes are also a significant source.

          Arson is a way down the list of causes, except in the the mind of flat earthers and rightwing conspiracy theorists! Who ignore science and evidence and come up with boneheaded ideas.


            As usual, chuck, you are just making up data now.
            According to the national Park service, 85% of forest fires are human caused.
            Another source, The DNR says only 16% are caused by lightning.


              Wrong again A5 and where are your links and references for these numbers? Because I am not going to trust numbers from a pretender!

              Human caused doesn't mean only arson does it?

              "Based on data in the National Forestry Database ([url]http://nfdp.ccfm.org/en/index.php[/url]), over 8000 fires occur each year, and burn an average of over 2.1 million hectares. Also, lightning causes about 50% of all fires but accounts for about 85% of the annual area burned. Note that such statistics derived from the CNFDB may differ due to incomplete data. More statistics are available in the National Wildland Fire Situation Report (https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/report).?"



                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                "It’s the far left sparking up the forest fires,

                Yup it is!


                  Originally posted by TSIPP View Post
                  Yup it is!
                  Tsipper what part of this don't you understand? LOL

                  "over 8000 fires occur each year, and burn an average of over 2.1 million hectares. Also, lightning causes about 50% of all fires but accounts for about 85% of the annual area burned." ?


                    Ya but just imagine 8000 ultra lefties with lighters.


                      Tsipper try a little harder because you are setting the bar on comebacks even lower than before!


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