Hamloc, I know you are desperate to blame the increase of fires on arson but you are wasting your time.
Rising average temperatures, record summer temperature records falling, shrinking glaciers, water supplies shrinking, decreasing precipitation, all made worse by human caused climate change. And you still want to deny human caused climate change?
Lightning and human activity start most of the forest fires. Arson is a way down the list of causes.
And guess what drought and hot dry weather increase the number, size and intensity of forest fires. All which are linked to more severe weather because of climate change.
Rising average temperatures, record summer temperature records falling, shrinking glaciers, water supplies shrinking, decreasing precipitation, all made worse by human caused climate change. And you still want to deny human caused climate change?

Lightning and human activity start most of the forest fires. Arson is a way down the list of causes.
And guess what drought and hot dry weather increase the number, size and intensity of forest fires. All which are linked to more severe weather because of climate change.