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    Tucker was kissing Putin's ass!

    Tucker Carlson’s Putin interview wasn’t journalism. It was sycophancy

    Margaret Sullivan

    The Russian president was waiting for the right stooge. With Carlson, he got just that

    Fri 9 Feb 2024 17.30 GMTLast modified on Fri 9 Feb 2024 18.00 GMT

    The former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s much touted sit-down with Vladimir Putin ([url]https://www.theguardian.com/world/vladimir-putin[/url]) was many things.
    It was damaging to global democracy, giving ammunition to the craven congressional Republicans who want to do Putin’s bidding by denying aid to Ukraine. It was boring, particularly given the Russian president’s long discourse, early in the two-hour slog, on his version of the history of the region.

    And it was a priceless propaganda gift, helping Putin in every possible way with his messaging – internally in Russia, and externally to the world – about Ukraine. That started with Carlson’s introductory video message, recorded after the interview, urging his viewers on X (formerly Twitter) to see Putin above all as “sincere”.
    But here’s what the interview was not. It was not journalism, despite being a rare chance for a western media figure to question the Russian leader.
    Even Carlson’s question – toward the end of the excruciatingly long session – about the imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich wasn’t really a gesture of journalistic solidarity or a nod to democratic ideals about a free press.
    Instead, it was decency theater, poorly performed.
    Sucking up to Putin at every turn, Carlson described Gershkovich – an accomplished and respected American reporter in his 30s – as a “kid” and even suggesting that he may have done something illegal that justified his arrest almost a year ago.
    Gershkovich’s colleagues at the Wall Street Journal were appropriately appalled. Ted Mann, a Journal reporter, tweeted that it was “disgraceful” of Carlson to suggest he’d broken the law, and the Journal issued a statement that made their position clear: “Evan is a journalist and journalism is not a crime. Any portrayal to the contrary is total fiction.”


      Yes Putin read from his script and Tucker sat there in awe. Reminded me of Jack VanImpe on a tirade with Priscilla putting in the odd “oh no”


        Putin has used that same spiel about his version of Kievan Rus more than a few times.
        He wrote a book or something about it.

        This article in ALJAZEERA from 2022 disputes some of his interpretation of eastern European history;

        Putin says Russia, Ukraine share historical ‘unity’. Is he right?

        "Russia and Ukraine, as well as Belarus, share a common ancestry in Kievan Rus’, a loose federation of medieval city-states with its capital in Kyiv.

        But in the 13th century, the area which became Russia was conquered by the Mongol Golden Horde, while western portions later fell to the Polish-Lithuanian Empire.

        From there, three separate languages, and national identities, evolved.

        It was not until the 17th century that Ukrainian Cossacks, led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, rebelled, throwing off Polish rule and willingly reuniting with Russia."

        Takes about few minutes to read the whole thing but not as boring as hearing Putin moan on for half an hour.

        IMHO the biggest damage from the interview is the comparisons that will be made between the basic intellect Putin displays as compared to what we see daily in North America in our leadership.

        I only listened to about half.


          Trump's fanboy, sent to meet with Putin on his behalf and to go down on Putin before the interview, nothing else.

          Putin even belittled Tucker when he made fun of him not being able to get into the CIA. Tucker, the expressionless idiot he is, just sat there and didn't even defend himself. Just following the script he was given by the draft dodger.

          "On the December 15, 2005, edition of MSNBC's The Situation with Tucker Carlson, Carlson dismissed the entire country as “essentially a stalker,” and described Canada as “your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving.”​

          Notice the date Tucker made this statement, Paul Martin was the PM.

          Gee I wonder if a Canadian would have received such a warm welcome and a pocket full of money Tucker got in Alberta if he had made such a statement about the USA​
          Last edited by foragefarmer; Feb 10, 2024, 11:28.


            Have no problem with Tucker at all, merely a sign of the times.
            Unless you're looking for intellect.


              Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
              Trump's fanboy, sent to meet with Putin on his behalf and to go down on Putin before the interview, nothing else.

              Putin even belittled Tucker when he made fun of him not being able to get into the CIA. Tucker, the expressionless idiot he is, just sat there and didn't even defend himself. Just following the script he was given by the draft dodger.

              "On the December 15, 2005, edition of MSNBC's The Situation with Tucker Carlson, Carlson dismissed the entire country as “essentially a stalker,” and described Canada as “your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving.”​

              Notice the date Tucker made this statement, Paul Martin was the PM.

              Gee I wonder if a Canadian would have received such a warm welcome and a pocket full of money Tucker got in Alberta if he had made such a statement about the USA​
              Well… looks like the Truth hurts Forage??? Any sane person… would be foolish to disagree… The NDP bill… and PM Trudeau’s environmental terrorist Cabinet… are worthy of being awarded 1000 Darwin Certificates!!!!

              Many Blessings!
              Praying for Wisdom for Canadians!!!


                Tom$4Tom how many times have you posted, on various threads the same cut and pastes?

                As for my post where do I mention anything about the NDP bill or climate change.

                I can see a guy like yourself Tom$4Tom falling for Tucker, as sheepies such as you can easily be led by the wicked. Just like your Alberta lawyer buddies did a couple of years ago here in Manitoba.

                May the strength of God and his word rid your mind of all the demons who occupy your brain.

                Big task!


                  Putin told us who blew the pipeline but nobody asked what happened to this guy?


                    Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                    Tom$4Tom how many times have you posted, on various threads the same cut and pastes?

                    As for my post where do I mention anything about the NDP bill or climate change.

                    I can see a guy like yourself Tom$4Tom falling for Tucker, as sheepies such as you can easily be led by the wicked. Just like your Alberta lawyer buddies did a couple of years ago here in Manitoba.

                    May the strength of God and his word rid your mind of all the demons who occupy your brain.

                    Big task!
                    Grace and Mercy be with you Forage… that was a revealing moment!

                    “Carlson dismissed the entire country as “essentially a stalker,” and described Canada as “your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving.”

                    C02 Net Zero…. Which is a WEF decarbonization depopulation scheme…. The whole NDP Charlie Horse Anti Humanity Fossil Fuel Environmental Terrorist Parliamentary Bill…. Which the PM Trudeau has NOT spoken against… The whole Anti-Trump vendetta… is revealing… as Our Canadian PM Trudeau does stalk the leading Candidate in the Nov24 US Election… interfering in the US election… Precisely what Russia and China are accused of….

                    You shall know the truth… and the truth shall set us free….

                    Tucker seeks to entertain… as well as expose a different perspective…. Which does have interesting nuggets of truth engrained in them…

                    I do not judge people Forage… that will be well enough taken care of on Judgment Day by King Jesus.

                    We are in the age of Grace and Mercy… with the opportunity to share the Gospel Of our Risen Creator Who for new each person before the foundation of Earth.

                    Many Blessings Forage!!! Praying for you!

                    ”If my people, called by my name, would pray and humble themselves… and turn from their evil ways… I will hear from Heaven… and Heal Their Land!

                    Climate Change… Abortion, Evolution…. Setting up AI to be humanities saviours… are Deceptive Evil religions… that denies King Jesus Salvation, and Redemption of Humanity on the Cross of Calvary!

                    Peace I leave you with… not as what the world gives… but the peace and Love of the Holy Spirit… that is available to every human… if they choose to be humble and forgiving!!!

                    All the best Forage!


                      I find Tucker entertaining. He’s news entertainment like wwe is sports entertainment. Take him with a grain of salt but realize there’s a bit of truth in there as well. One is foolish if they take everything he says is gospel or on the flip side get their panties in a knot about what he says. I worry though this Putin op ed he was a part of puts him on the level of Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura more so than he was before. Seems half way through the interview Tucker realized he’d been had and was just a vessel for Putin’s alternative history lesson and justification for his actions, or Putin is off his rocker.


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