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    I heard one which could probably have some truth. Greenpeace and the Green Party are Soviet constructs to destabilize the west. Like American and Saudi funding of anti oil groups in Canada.


      Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
      I heard one which could probably have some truth. Greenpeace and the Green Party are Soviet constructs to destabilize the west. Like American and Saudi funding of anti oil groups in Canada.
      Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.


        More crap conspiracy theories?

        Trump is a Russian Putin ally destabilizing the west!


          How does this one sound Chuck?


            It's playing out that way. Military Industrial Complex making $$$$ while we pay or borrow for them. Plus young men DIE for them.

            Hitleresque idea, the population needs a BOOGEY MAN to be convinced of an idea, agenda.... A Jew, an enemy, a virus, a miniscule essential gas in the air.
            Last edited by fjlip; Feb 11, 2024, 13:22.


              As what is going on in the world I don.t trust our politicians anymore than I belie.ve Putin.
              The whole world is upside down nothing what is happening makes any sense to me. We also have to remember that Ukrain is the most corrupt country on the planet. Our legacy media does not tell the truth about what is going on examles are farmer protests in europe or the covid crisis climate scams etc. I lost all faith in how they tell those stories. The elite people seem to want less populations and have them all as slaves. Communism is well on its way here in Canada


                Searched and Putin is correct, the name Ukraine comes from old Slavic term for "borderland", krajina....never heard that till Tucker interview..

                Used 1922 till 1991, was Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Given by Comrade Lenin.

                Prior to that was controlled by Czarist Russia, and called little Russia, West Russia, New Russia, some of it called Ruthenia.

                I'd say close relatives of Russians, that wanted a divorce.


                  Good god does any of Putin’s history lesson or the fact Ukraine is corrupt justify his invasion and subsequent leveling of cities in Ukraine? If Russia and Ukraine are so close in history and genealogy then why did Stalin starve out more Ukrainians than Hitler did Jews and move in Russians?


                    The Putin sympathizers are sure busy today!


                      Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                      Good god does any of Putin’s history lesson or the fact Ukraine is corrupt justify his invasion and subsequent leveling of cities in Ukraine? If Russia and Ukraine are so close in history and genealogy then why did Stalin starve out more Ukrainians than Hitler did Jews and move in Russians?
                      None of these Posters ever mention how corrupt Putin's Russia is. Just Ukraine, and will even make the claim it's the most corrupt country in the world in order to defend Putin's genocide.

                      Now they come on Agriville glorifying the B.S. Putin spewed during the interview with Trump's Fanboy Tucker.

                      With out a doubt these Poster's are Trumpers. They hate Biden, and therefore can not support any aid his administration has provide to Ukraine the past two years.

                      If Trump wins the 2024 election they will cheer when he gives Putin free reign over Ukraine and now NATO:

                      "Republican presidential front-runner said Russia should be able to do "whatever the hell they want" to NATO members who don't meet their defense spending targets."

                      Wilton, it's hopeless with bunch they support commies and dictators.


                        Well said Forage! They are more less pro Russian traitors.


                          Your conspiracy theories are trumped up exaggerated rhetoric… Trump was making a point that NATO membership should pay their fair share…. That they themselves agreed to… and not continually count on the US to bail them out. If you make a contact… follow it. Simple law and Trump was in his typical colourful manner… not unusual at all… saying Pay Your Bills NATO membership.

                          Mindless conspiracy drivelling…

                          PM Trudeau is doing 10x worse withholding munitions, fixing Russian compressors… failing to send missile defence systems promised… Practically Putin’s lap dog.

                          CC and Forage… wake up… take off your blinders!!!

                          Many Blessings! Praying for you!!!


                            Originally posted by TOM4CWB View Post
                            Your conspiracy theories are trumped up exaggerated rhetoric… Trump was making a point that NATO membership should pay their fair share…. That they themselves agreed to… and not continually count on the US to bail them out. If you make a contact… follow it. Simple law and Trump was in his typical colourful manner… not unusual at all… saying Pay Your Bills NATO membership.

                            Mindless conspiracy drivelling…

                            PM Trudeau is doing 10x worse withholding munitions, fixing Russian compressors… failing to send missile defence systems promised… Practically Putin’s lap dog.

                            CC and Forage… wake up… take off your blinders!!!

                            Many Blessings! Praying for you!!!
                            Fellow nato members never took their obligations seriously and counted on the American military to shoulder the bill. EU members priorities were building paved roads to nowhere and dump good money after bad into pigs member states along with hamstringing industry for environmental causes. The first Crimean incident wasn’t near enough for them to bone up and frankly they didn’t probably care or want to rock the boat because the whole fallacy of their green economy depended on all this cheap and plentiful gas coming out of a pipe from somewhere east.


                              Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                              None of these Posters ever mention how corrupt Putin's Russia is.
                              No doubt Putin rules over a corrupt country with his Oligarch's that benefited from his way of deciding who got the Soviet break down.
                              He gets a cut of a large part of all economic activities.
                              There are many examples of what happens if you cross him.
                              Corruption results in a drain on the economy as it is inefficient as it produces no obvious value.

                              IMHO what we are seeing now is our economy's are less productive partly due to woke policy and severe regulatory issues that stifle growth.
                              We used to be much more productive than any corrupt or socialist economy's but now those countries are eating our lunch as we move toward corruption and socialism ourselves.


                                "Poland plans to check all grain from Ukraine at the border - Polish services will check all Ukrainian grain transiting through the country to other countries and ports at the border. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland Micha? Ko?odziejczak on February 12, Ukrinform reports. "Today there will be clear instructions that we will check all grain at the border (with Ukraine. - Ed.), which is subject to sealing, subject to export and is only transit grain," M. Ko?odziejczak said. The deputy minister explained that this will be done because after this grain is transited to Germany, and it turns out that it is of poor quality “99% of it returns to Poland as European grain." He added that there are also similar cases in ports. "This grain is not returned to Ukraine, but to Poland," the official emphasized. He also noted that he would apply for detailed data on Ukrainian grain that was returned to Poland due to poor quality from Germany and ports. In addition, the Polish government official announced that he would instruct the creation of an information platform, with the help of which Polish farmers will be able to report problems and violations by phone and online directly to the ministry. (APK)"

                                Are they not looking bad dumping poor quality into EU?

                                Hurting a supposed ally?


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