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Political Prisoners , finaly 2 walk free

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    Says A5 the climate change denial idiot who thinks the impact of asphalt on the temperature record, is the primary reason why global temperatures are rising!

    But the idiot has no explanation for how arctic temperatures and ocean temperatures are rising, both of which are clearly not influenced by asphalt.

    He hopes this among his other glaring lapses in logic and evidence just goes quietly away!

    Last edited by chuckChuck; Feb 23, 2024, 07:53.


      I think I hit a nerve.


        Barber is launching law suit filed here in Saskatchewan against Trudeau and Co. And banks for seizing his bank accounts illegally. Go Barber go, the world is watching.


          Their was people in ottawa that had no truck there , and done notting wrong whatsoever , had funds frozen , they could not leave because they could not pay for fuel or transport , could not buy food or pay for a place to stay , its only people as clueless as the liberals would tell people to leave and then make it impossible to do so , courts will be very buzy for many years to come ,


            Maybe they could have used some of the fuel money keeping trucks idling ,to leave? What a bunch of B.S. They did not want to leave.


              Read what i said , a veteran came to ottawa on public transport , had no vehicle there ,had funds frozen ,its not a crime to hold a canada flag in a public place , how was he suposed to get home ? thats why it was rulled unlawfull , their was no guidelines in place on who got funds frozen , you aggy have been brainwashed by the CBC lies


                Where did all the money go ? Bouncy castles and food stands ? Surely they could spare a few bucks if someone wanted to leave , nice people that they were? Wake up and smell the coffee. Same people that are radicalized to cause terror. Caught up in a make believe cause.


                  When Judge seen the facts about what happened he rulled Act unlawfull based on the law as it is written , now they can deal with the lawsuits , and it takes more than a few bucks to buy a plane ticket back to eastern canada where veteran came from
                  Last edited by cropgrower; Feb 24, 2024, 09:40.


                    Pay Up - who are the criminals?


                      It takes more than a few bucks to feed a crowd of rabble and keep a bunch of semis idling, not to mention fireworks. Try again.


                        All they asked was for a meeting with Trudeau. Trudeau wanted a stand-Off. The power-hungry fruitcake wanted to show everyone that he’s on the same level as Putin and Chinese/Korean dictators.

                        The world is watching and can’t believe how Canadians put up with him, in US, in the customs line-up, it’s the topic of discussion when they find out you are, “Canadian”.
                        Last edited by sumdumguy; Feb 24, 2024, 12:04.


                          so all the money was there for anybody to use any way they wanted at any time ! where was this big free for all heap of cash ? who was handing it out to anybody and everybody ? was that information from CBC or did you dream it up Aggy ?


                            All the food and fuel was donated.


                              yes their is still a lot of realy good decent people in canada , no judge or court or comission yet has answered the one simple question that has been asked many times , when did protest become unlawfull ?


                                When it became an encampment and not a protest. You really believe they would have had a peaceful dialog with the PM and then left? Fairy tale.


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