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    Which credible scientist and their organization says rising CO2 levels are not causing climate change?

    Dont run away and hide. Answer the question.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      Sure crop!

      Have you been to see the athabasca glacier? Is it shrinking or growing or staying the same?
      I hadn't been to the icefields for a few years, so I thought I'd better check and make sure the trend is still positive. We stopped by yesterday evening. And sure enough, the glaciers are still going the right direction, nothing to panic about yet.

      Funny thing about all the signs they have. The signs indicate that the melting in recent times is due to CO2, they even tell the viewer the steps we can take personally to stop them from melting. But the signs that show the maximum extent of the glacier in the 1840's, don't attribute any cause for why the glacier receded back then before man made global warming had been invented as the catch all to explain all weather events.

      They even go so far as to admit that the glacier once extended all the way to the prairies, before somehow receding back to it's current position. The signs didn't indicate how burning fossil fuels had caused that to happen.
      They even acknowledged that the glaciers were growing during the Little Ice Age( although they never used that expression). What I couldn't find were any signs indicating the growth of the glacier during the Little Ice Age, prior to it cycling back to shrinking in the 1840's. Probably just an oversight. Chuck, you seem to be an expert glaciologist, is the current extent of the glacier greater, or lesser than it's minimum extent during the Medieval Warm Period?

      If I get my time machine tuned up, and go back to ~1250 AD, then stood where the toe of the glacier is today, would I be standing on ice, looking down at the toe, or standing on rock looking up at the retreating toe?
      Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jul 23, 2024, 09:03.


        From my memory it has grown 2 millimeters a year.


          Ice is still there, still shrinking, same as it has been doing for the past 170 years.


            Funny you mentioned 1250 ad. Around the same time the prairies were in the grips of an epic decades long drought according to the fossil records. The North Sask River ground to a trickle and lots of wildlife perished. Would imagine a lot of first peoples suffered as a result or migrated. Cold brings droughts on the prairies.


              Another funny thing about the sign telling me all the ways I can reduce my CO2 footprint to stop the glaciers from melting.
              Nowhere in the list was it mentioned that I shouldn't develop a world-class tourist destination in the middle of nowhere in an attempt to attract tourist from all over the world. Who will fly in a fossil fuel powered jet, stay in an air conditioned hotel, rent a fossil fuel powered car to drive 4 hours away from the nearest airport, hire a fossil fuel powered buggy to go view the ice. One would think that would be one of the top climate saving measures in the list.


                that would all make sense if it was not all a scam


                  Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
                  that would all make sense if it was not all a scam
                  I almost got the impression that they didn't really believe in it themselves.

                  On a side note. We had travelled through jasper stopped at the icefields on our way home. Left the park around 10:00 p.m. So we were one of the last to get through before they closed the park due to the forest fire evacuations. The northbound gate was already closed, only allowing southbound traffic to exit the park.


                    Another summer of heat and smoke and dangerous fires after last years record area burned.

                    And Wilton and A5 are still pretty sure the reason the glaciers are receding has nothing to do with well documented climate change?

                    World renowned scientist, David Schindler was very clear about the impact of human caused climate change and the shrinking glaciers.


                      And tax will stop all fires instantly HOW? Explain!

                      if you are correct we will be all dead in no time


                        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

                        And Wilton and A5 are still pretty sure the reason the glaciers are receding has nothing to do with well documented climate change?
                        Are you certain that the glaciers receding, which started in the 1840's has anything to do with CO2 levels in 2024?
                        CO2 levels when the glaciers started retreating were 285 ppm. Still at rock bottom.


                          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                          Another summer of heat and smoke and dangerous fires after last years record area burned.
                          We will always have smoke and there will always be fires. It all has to be renewed.

                          This is fire management protocol:
                          We manage wildfires by considering their potential impacts. There are 3 types of wildfire responses:
                          • Full response: aggressive initial attack takes place with the goal of containing the fire and putting it out as quickly as possible.
                          • Modified response: fire personnel complete a wildland fire analysis and use a variety of techniques to prevent property and infrastructure damage. Full suppression of the fire is unlikely to be necessary or possible.
                          • Monitored response: officials keep track of the fire for potential social disruption or other major impacts as it fulfills its natural ecological role.

                          Read the last line.
                          • "as it fulfills its natural ecological role."

                          Your being deceived by click bait Chuck.

                          Last edited by shtferbrains; Jul 24, 2024, 13:57.


                            Take lesson, natives used to light up dead dry risky places, when snow is still in places. Safe, prevent wild fires when dry.
                            Fire is necessary for seeds to germinate. Renew the forests.

                            Around Green water trees are old, no medium sized, only low small shrub bushes. The risk is growing


                              Pine trees evolved to only reproduce due to Forest fires. Then the alarmists come along and tell us that forest fires are unnatural and the result of man-made climate change.

                              Someone should tell the pine trees that they wasted all those millions of years of evolution.


                                The prairie ecosystem needs fire as do forests. Fuel load gets high and it burns. Wash rinse repeat. Chuck it doesn’t matter whatever scientist you find to quote glaciers have largely been receding for 14000 years. Jackfish lake which you live close to was formed by glacial recession as is the rolling topography akin to nw Saskatchewan. Climate changes for the good and the worse no matter what we as humans do or don’t. Die on your hill if you wish but it won’t matter.


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