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An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing

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    I can think of a lower cost option than the CO2 tax.
    No CO2 tax.


      How about cutting the $5 billion in subsidies to the Canadian oil and gas industry. That would be a lower cost option too!


        Can you identify the $5 billion you want to cut?

        For example if I called for cutting the subsidies on EV's to people with over $200K family income?

        Where do you want to start?

        $5 Billion is a lot to pick from.


          I asked what metric will be used to assess the effectiveness of the CO2 tax, and didn't receive an answer.

          As it turns out, that is because there is no answer, according to the Liberals themselves:

          Liberal MP Francis Scarpaleggia just said ([url]https://twitter.com/mbdan7/status/1777864744038273070?s=12&t=f0F6goPGHDHmyf8suthwLA[/url]) as much in a Parliamentary committee. “My understanding — and maybe I’m wrong — is that there is no data specifically that the price on carbon resulted in an ‘x’ amount of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and I don’t even think that’s possible quite frankly.

          It is reassuring to know that it is entirely based on empirical evidence based science, that the outcomes are clearly defined, and that we will know when we have achieved the goals.?


            The carbon tax is not as effective as the large emitters carbon tax system. But together they are effective in reducing emissions. They allow individuals and companies to decide how best to reduce emissions with market based decisions.

            PP says he will use technology to reduce emissions which is what the carbon tax does. It encourages the use of carbon emission reduction or cleaner technology.

            But letting PP decide which technology is a winner or loser is a mistake because he doesn't know what's best in every situation. Plus he doesn't really want to do anything so his solutions will be weak at best.

            And he is lying when he says cutting the carbon tax will solve affordability because it is only a very small part of inflation at 6/10ths of one percent.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

              And he is lying when he says cutting the carbon tax will solve affordability because it is only a very small part of inflation at 6/10ths of one percent.
              You still don't understand percentages.
              I explained to you elsewhere that this works out to over 21% of inflation being due to the CO2 tax.
              Why do you keep repeating misinformation?


                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                The carbon tax is not as effective as the large emitters carbon tax system. But together they are effective in reducing emissions.
                This is simply amazing. The Liberals who imposed the tax publicly admit that they don't have any idea if it has been effective at all. They go even further and admit that they don't think it is even possible to measure.

                Now you come along and proclaim that the tax is effective in reducing emissions.

                Based on what?

                What scientific data do you have available that the Liberals don't?

                Or are you making it all up, again?

                Maybe you are using your psychic powers again. The same psychic powers that you keep using two try to tell me what I think. And feeling miserably.
                Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Apr 14, 2024, 14:10.


                  "there is no data specifically that the price on carbon resulted in an ‘x’ amount of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and I don’t even think that’s possible quite frankly.

                  By their own admission, C02 TAX is shyt!

                  How can we know if it works??????????


                    we all know except the brainwashed that is a wealth transfer scam , notting more


                      There was a recent study released on the effectiveness of several carbon reduction plans and which ones will have the most impact.

                      Which Canadian climate policies will have the biggest impact by 2030?


                      Large Emitters program 20-48% lower by 2030, Carbon tax 8-14% lower emissions by 2030



                        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                        There was a recent study released on the effectiveness of several carbon reduction plans and which ones will have the most impact.

                        Which Canadian climate policies will have the biggest impact by 2030?


                        Large Emitters program 20-48% lower by 2030, Carbon tax 8-14% lower emissions by 2030

                        Once again, you are confusing forecasted models with actual data.
                        You made your preposterous unproven allegations in the present tense. As if this is something that has already occurred and been measured.

                        Remember when I said I proud of you I was because you finally acknowledged the difference between models and real-time data?
                        You have regressed a lot since then.


                          The cult of Climatism.... believe.


                            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                            The cult of Climatism.... believe.
                            Brought to you by the poster who has appointed himself as the spokesperson for science. Then promptly claims that science is something you just have to believe in hard enough and it will come true. Like the tooth fairy or the Easter Bunny.

                            I remember seeing an article comparing climate change to cults. It has all the hallmarks.



                              I remember seeing an article comparing climate change to cults. It has all the hallmarks.[/QUOTE]

                              I can see Steven and Greta in long orange/white robes standing in airports handing out doomer pamphlets.


                                Originally posted by rumrocks View Post

                                I can see Steven and Greta in long orange/white robes standing in airports handing out doomer pamphlets.
                                And Chuck


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