Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5
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Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
and what do we do when part of the population actually supports the authoritarian tyrant ? hard to free fools from the chains they revere
Can't put that genie back into the bottle.
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Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
The good news is that thanks to social media, all of the psychopaths and wanna be tyrants have willingly revealed themselves.
Can't put that genie back into the bottle.
Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
The bad news . Social media has created more division and distrust. We have lost face to face arguments. Now it's social media anonymity.
As for anonymity, given everything we learned about government intervention and censorship in social media during covid, I don't think any of us are actually anonymous.
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Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
That is definitely the downside. Narcissists like chuck would never get away with behaving that way face to face. Social media has given a platform for his type to reveal who they really are.
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Need I remind the agrisilly regulars that both Smith and Moe still recommend covid vaccines as good public health policy.
Both governments of the day in Alberta and Saskatchewan were responsible for the majority of covid mandates.
Only the vocal antivaxer fringe are obsessing over vaccines. With little effect!
Give up!
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Why the PHUCK do you care if I take/ receive ( I hate that term) a Covid vax? Can't hurt you because you are FULL of mRNA, correct?
So STF up! Take all you want, take mine too!
SFA, 6%, I just heard on you beloved CBC, took the last one...YOU are the fringe minority, people are voting with their avoidance of the crap!
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Oh chuckroach you never forget bringing the silly, your beloved cbc even says that less than 80% of the population trust politicians, by the way, I haven’t heard a politician brag up the fake vaxx for a long time now.
what’s your job at the NFU? I’ll bet you’re paid to spread the disinformation….
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