More evidence that the lightweight CPC are really taking on the most important issues facing the nation!
Bring back more plastic! And Axe the facts!
Make that a double double down on stupid!
They are so determined to bring back more plastics they wont even let companies pilot alternatives so that they can find the ones that work!
Pretty soon the CPC won't even allow you to say plastic alternatives and reusable shopping bags!
Don't say reusable and bidegradable! Or the petro plastic promoters will boycot you!
They must really hate paper bags!
What a silly bunch of useless MPs they have!
Conservative MP declares war on Tim Hortons' 'woke paper lids'
'I don't know about you but until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons,' says the MP for the federal riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex

Make that a double double down on stupid!
They are so determined to bring back more plastics they wont even let companies pilot alternatives so that they can find the ones that work!
Pretty soon the CPC won't even allow you to say plastic alternatives and reusable shopping bags!

They must really hate paper bags!

What a silly bunch of useless MPs they have!
Conservative MP declares war on Tim Hortons' 'woke paper lids'
'I don't know about you but until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons,' says the MP for the federal riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex