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Anomalies Not Graves

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    Anomalies Not Graves

    B.C. First Nation declares that the 215 children’s graves at Kamloops residential school are actually anomalies. Now what is an anomaly? It is an inconsistency, a deviation, an abnormality. So all the flowers, teddy bears and tokens of remembrance placed there were for an anomaly. Hmmm, how long have it taken for some one to dig up these graves?

    How embarrassing. I hate how First Nations are used for political purpose.


      Careful this can be construed as hate speech and can get you canceled and jail time.


        How is it hate crime? It was published in newspaper.


          CBC actually did a great story on the Indian cemetery north of Brodview, long story short, it’s a cemetery, kids and adults white and reds, Catholic Church has a cemetery and it’s not a big surprise.


            I would have posted a link but it’s scrubbed


              Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we now have a national holiday based on this fake story? Another disgraceful Trudeau virtue signal




                  No evidence of human remains found beneath church at Pine Creek Residential School site | CBC News ([url]https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/pine-creek-residential-school-no-evidence-human-remains-1.6941441)?[/url]




                      This is the CBC story that never made national headlines because it didn’t fit the narrative. Young Chief Cadmus, who never went to a residential school, had the story at Marieval all wrong according to the elders.


                        Every time they moved the outhouse and dug a new hole would be a cause of an anomaly in the soil.


                          Multi millions paid out regardless


                            over 100 beautiful church burned down because of the lies , Canada is divided beyond repair at this stage , but thats what they want , it distracts the people from the governments own crimes


                              Now that it is realized there were no mass graves of children killed in residential schools, it doesn’t really bode well for the people who actually were mistreated in those schools. Reading social media surrounding the apparent mass graves, some natives were alleging 10’s of thousands of children discarded but no proof. Think they ultimately believed it to be true. Catholic Church were ultimately horrible to children of all races in the school system.


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