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Alberta’s drought shaping up to be ‘worse than we saw in the 1920s, 1930s’

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    Thats the smartest thing chuck has ever posted. So what time frame is appropriate to look at for weather changes. You do know the earth is 4B yrs old right. Or should we just start at 1979 again.

    Please explain why science wants to ignore 99.99999999999999% of the time the earth has existed.


      Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
      And you would be the first to post if one day was a bit hotter than normal somewhere in the world CC if it fitted the propaganda
      He literally started an entire thread because one station in one city in one country on one day broke a temperature record in india.
      Then wants to lecture us that climate is over long time frames.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        Just a reminder climate is measured over long time periods. Not over one month, spring or year.

        2023 was the erarth's hottest year on record since humans have kept records.

        Weather is still variable and we can have a cooler than normal month or year that don't significantly impact the longer term trends or change the climate change path we are on.
        Risk of frost in most areas western Sask and Alberta again tomorrow morning
        nearing the longest day of year


          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post

          Risk of frost in most areas western Sask and Alberta again tomorrow morning
          nearing the longest day of year
          Isn't climate change amazing. One simple molecule can cause absolutely any kind of weather you can imagine.

          Frost here this morning. Frost forecast again tomorrow morning and warnings going forward.

          Just imagine how cold it would be without global warming.

          At least we know the carbon tax is working.


            oh its very simple , hot is climate , cold is weather !


              The flat earthers on Agrisilly still can't understand the difference between weather and climate?

              And when it comes to climate they don't think the science is credible!

              2023, the planets hottest year on record since humans started keeping records and one cooler than normal May and June in parts of the northern hemisphere and there still sure human caused climate change is not real!

              And the flat earthers still fail to grasp the concept that the world is a bigger place than their own backyard, province or country.

              And even in Canada currently the west is cool and the east is hot under a heat wave.

              Don't expect the small minds of the climate change deniers to see the bigger picture. they seem incapable of such feats!

              From the World Meteorological Organization:


              Global temperature record streak continues, as climate change makes heatwaves more extreme

              15 May 2024
              It was the warmest April on record – the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures. Sea surface temperatures have been record high for the past 13 months. Extreme weather caused many casualties and socio-economic disruption.

              The monthly reports from Copernicus Climate Change Service, ([url]https://climate.copernicus.eu/climate-bulletins[/url]) the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ([url]https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202404[/url]) NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency ([url]https://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/gwp/temp/apr_wld.html[/url]) highlight the extraordinary duration of record temperatures fuelled by the naturally occurring El Niño event and the additional energy trapped in the atmosphere and ocean by greenhouse gases from human activities. A similar streak happened previously during the strong El Niño event of 2015/2016.
              April 2024 had an average surface air temperature of 15.03°C, 0.67°C above the 1991-2020 average for April and 0.14°C above the previous high set in April 2016, according to the ERA5 dataset from Copernicus Climate Change Service ([url]https://climate.copernicus.eu/[/url]) implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission.
              The month was 1.58°C warmer than an estimate of the April average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, according to the ERA5 dataset.?Monthly breaches of 1.5°C ([url]https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/climate-issues/degrees-matter[/url]) do not mean that the world has failed to achieve the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal, which refers to a long-term temperature increase over decades.
              South America had its warmest April on record, whilst Europe had its second warmest, according to NOAA.




                Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
                oh its very simple , hot is climate , cold is weather !
                Be careful, they might try to recruit you to join Chuck's revolution.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  The flat earthers on Agrisilly still can't understand the difference between weather and climate?
                  Well just when I thought I had this climate versus weather thing all figured out, you came along and posted a single temperature from a single temperature station from a single City in a single country on a single day in India and told us that was climate.

                  Perhaps if you practiced what you preached, it would help the rest of us to understand the difference.


                    What about June 2024 chuck. 7 nights so far touched 3 or 4 deg overnight. Frost warning on the solstice. You are just comical at this point.

                    The book 1984 warned people about govts and their minions trying to get people to disbelieve what they are seeing with their own eyes. Chuck must be a disciple.

                    Wont work chuck. I survived a trillion dollar propaganda campaign during covid. Climate change is a scam. Its a scare tactic for a weak society that is disconnected from mother nature.
                    Last edited by jazz; Jun 18, 2024, 06:33.


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      Well just when I thought I had this climate versus weather thing all figured out, you came along and posted a single temperature from a single temperature station from a single City in a single country on a single day in India and told us that was climate.

                      Perhaps if you practiced what you preached, it would help the rest of us to understand the difference.
                      So why do you think so many high temperature records are being set in many countries? Try to put 2 and 2 together A5!

                      No single record is proof of climate change, but the thirty year climate records certainly are.


                        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

                        No single record is proof of climate change.

                        So why do you keep posting them and claiming they are proof of man-made global warming?


                          Chuck, you ever get your head examined?


                            So. When I want to see today's WEATHER forecast. I go to Environment and Climate Change Canada. Why the heavy marketing?


                              It couldn't possibly because no one would notice that we are enjoying a climate emergency if it wasn't in your face 24/7?
                              Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jun 18, 2024, 08:52.


                                I don't wear a tin hat. But let's say an idea to help change the world has become a catch all, stop all word for a generation. Similar to "like".
                                The news has become nonsensical. Every tree that blows over has a politician or reporter mentioning climate change. A new phrase will have to come along before this one goes the way of groovy.
                                Transpire what may of course.
                                Only the usual suspects use words in a manner similar to Liebensraum.


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