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Sanity Check

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    The clueless left is still too blinded with hate to see what is right in front of their face


      Biden has spent huge amounts of taxpayers money bringing critical industries like semi conductors back to the US and the debt to GDP ratio is worse than Canada's.

      There is a re industrialization happening in the US as they found out during covid how vulnerable and critical supply chains are.

      Canada has diluted their GDP with large amounts of immigration that has resulted in large population growth. Rightly or wrongly.

      And Canadian companies have not invested in increasing productivity like american companies have.

      And farmers and most industries still want more skilled immigrant workers.

      Just like PP you guys are telling us how bad Canada is instead of building it up?

      Are you really so poor and badly off? Not even close.


        chuck dont you have a pride parade to attend.


          Men get free tampons in canada , all is wonderful


            Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
            Men get free tampons in canada , all is wonderful
            You use tampons? Who knew!


              Originally posted by agstar77 View Post

              You use tampons? Who knew!
              you would be simple minded enough to think men need them !


                I did not say men.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  Biden has spent huge amounts of taxpayers money bringing critical industries like semi conductors back to the US and the debt to GDP ratio is worse than Canada's.

                  There is a re industrialization happening in the US as they found out during covid how vulnerable and critical supply chains are.

                  Canada has diluted their GDP with large amounts of immigration that has resulted in large population growth. Rightly or wrongly.

                  And Canadian companies have not invested in increasing productivity like american companies have.

                  And farmers and most industries still want more skilled immigrant workers.

                  Just like PP you guys are telling us how bad Canada is instead of building it up?

                  Are you really so poor and badly off? Not even close.

                  Company's are not investing because they don't see canada as a good place to invest
                  US has also had huge immigration
                  Tell us what you are doing to build up canada and if its working we will do same and tell PP to do likewise
                  And yes us farmers mostly are not doing too bad but lots in canada cant say that anymore


                    Capitol outflow is a serious problem. Canada intrinsically is a higher cost jurisdiction to do business than the USA for simple enough reasons such as cold weather and smaller labour force. Any perceived added encumbrances on ease of doing business spooks out not only established companies from expanding but also potential startups. What I found worrisome and a bell weather was a number of USA based food brands leaving almost en masse.


                      The US and the EU lost a lot of manufacturing jobs to China and lower cost countries as well. Now they are investing to bring it back.

                      So they don't always choose the lowest cost options do they?

                      The US is subsidizing investment on a scale that Canada can't easily match.

                      But with a lower dollar and lower cost healthcare costs for companies, and lots of lower cost clean hydro electricity, Canada has several advantages for some industries.


                        What are you doing to build up canada mr agrisilly ?? as you said we shud be doing


                          Actually, a big part of the reason why industry is coming back to the US is because of the cheaper energy and feedstock thanks to the fracking revolution and all of the cheap gas. Europe and China can't come close to competing with that now.


                            Well well, the green movement, commie, marxist agenda in the EU was dealt a serious blow last night.

                            Next up, dementia riddled fool Biden and Pm retard Trudeau.


                              Everybody knows that elections in canuckistan are naturally corrupt being as a vote in welfareville is worth more than a vote in a productive region of the country. Thus we have the second coming of north korea right here at home. The globalists know this and so we are the prototype. Being forced to believe things like the residential schools lie as if it was the truth is just the tip of the iceberg. Get out while you still can.


                                Massive swing to the Right. Hopefully after next elections this insanity will end and then the tyrants and the thieves will get locked up (for their own safety). Crazies in de pen Pronto.


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