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Chemtrail conspiracy? Huh?

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    Chemtrail conspiracy? Huh?

    Scotty Moe fielded a question on chem trails at a town hall in Speers recently. He is looking into it? Too funny!

    Apparently a lot of nutty people think it's a conspiracy to control them and the weather and not just jets flying to and from various destinations?

    Lets ask BL and company to see what the real story is?

    I have a conspiracy theory theory that conspiracy theorists do occasionally get uncomfortably close to the truth.
    So in an effort to discredit them, the other side of the information war plants ridiculous ideas such as chemtrails and microchips in vaccines etc hoping that the conspiracy theorists will run with those and then they can say look at those crazy conspiracy theorists, you can't believe anything they say.


      Too funny charles. You should of been there. Or maybe you did attend. The old stronghold of the n.d.p.. all your cohorts imagine that. Anyhow scott was outta there when that shit started. Try again goof.


        There’s a shred of truth to every conspiracy theory or urban legend. I enjoy them for a good laugh but also wonder how or why they started. When I was a kid I remember the town bumpkins collecting pop can tabs for some kid with diabetes to pay for his insulin. Even at 8 years old I thought it was bs. Same folks fall for every chain letter and half ass scam.


          Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
          . Same folks fall for every chain letter and half ass scam.
          Exactly. There are obviously some very smart well-informed people trying to uncover the nefarious activities of governments or businesses. Then there are all of the gullible hangers on who will fall for every chemtrail conspiracy theory and they all get lumped in together.

          No different then how a gullible far left conspiracy theorist like Chuck falls for every climate change fake news story and it discredits the work of the actual climate scientists.
          Two sides of the same coin.


            The US army secretly sprayed Winnipeg, Medicine Hat and Suffield with of zinc cadmium sulfide.

            so maybe the chemtrail thing is real.


              Being situated between the edmonton and cfb cold lake, they are doing climate change spraying all the time. You often see it in the evening where there are chemtrails at lower altitudes that have multiple passes quite close together. Commercial aircraft fly much higher. The fact that upchuck is here to mock the notion practically confirms it as true. gates is heavily involved in this among the other evil he is up to on a day to day basis.


                In the 80s I knew a young airforce pilot that told me his dad had a trucking company and was contracted by the government to burn PCBs in the trucks exhaust as the truck was running down the highway, the truck’s engine needs to be hot and then turn on the PCB switch.


                  Oh, you are one of those guys who believe a heavier than air aluminum can with wings can fly?


                    I know notting about chemtrails but i do know its not all conspiracy , read up on SAI mr agrisilly , and don't be making yourself look more clueless by the day


                      We are all farm kids, does anyone remember the sky filled with trails like that back in the 70s/80s. I spent 20 summers in the hay field in the summer, most of that on a tractor with no cab raking swaths. Sure as hell dont remember sky covered.


                        will this be bad for my beloved crows mr agrisilly ?


                          Keep an eye on the sky Crop. They're coming to get you!

                          And your post says "Climate change is already here"


                            and it shows you dont have a clue whats going on


                              The climate has been changing long before humans and will continue changing long after humans have disappeared.


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