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Biden Guilty

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    well in Europe the far left is out protesting and rioting because they don't like results of recent Euro elections , why do the far left riot and destroy property when things don't go their way ?


      Originally posted by cropgrower View Post
      why do the far left riot and destroy property when things don't go their way ?
      Because the only alternative to making things go your way is to work hard. And left is not about to try that option. So they to destroy what someone else created instead.


        somewhat similar too a toddler throwing a tantrum when mommy says no ! thats the maturity level of the typical left voter


          And the right showed up at Coutts with guns to kill cops and at the Capitol January 6th and killed cops and smashed the place up threatening to kill Legislators. And you are dumb enough to blame all the violent protests only on the left?

          Not to mention all the right wingers who committed violence against immigrants and religious groups killing families and women?

          You are delusional and ill informed Crap.
          Last edited by chuckChuck; Jun 19, 2024, 08:09.


            No guns at the Coutts protest and no cops were shot Jan 6th, it’s just the far left disinformation misinformation propaganda again.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              And the right showed up at Coutts with guns to kill cops and at the Capitol January 6th and killed cops and smashed the place up threatening to kill Legislators. And you are dumb enough to blame all the violent protests only on the left?

              Not to mention all the right wingers who committed violence against immigrants and religious groups killing families and women?

              You are delusional and ill informed Crap.
              Cops brought the guns to Coutts, the "right" brought hockey equipment probably.
              ...Entrapment is a practice in which a law enforcement agent or an agent of the state induces a person to commit a "crime" that the person would have otherwise been unlikely or unwilling to commit​

              name the cops that were killed on January 6

              KKK was democratic party


                Do you get paid to post garbage mr agrisilly ? if not you are really wasting your time because your garbage will never change our opinion


                  How much do Libtards pay you CC?

                  The only cop dying after Jan 6 was by suicide!


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    And the right showed up at Coutts with guns to kill cops and at the Capitol January 6th and killed cops and smashed the place up threatening to kill Legislators. And you are dumb enough to blame all the violent protests only on the left?

                    Not to mention all the right wingers who committed violence against immigrants and religious groups killing families and women?

                    You are delusional and ill informed Crap.
                    and what do the far left hope to achieve by burning cars and buildings belonging to ordinary everyday people ? it sure shows how dumb and clueless they are


                      Originally posted by cropgrower View Post

                      and what do the far left hope to achieve by burning cars and buildings belonging to ordinary everyday people ? it sure shows how dumb and clueless they are
                      And Chuck is proud that he attended blm riots. Yet for some reason he is not guilty by association. But anyone who supported the convoy is guilty by association of the imaginary characters he thinks took part in the convoy.


                        I'm seeing a lot of liberal MP's have lost their credibility by following their leader.
                        You can't just go to Walmart and replace it. As a politician once it's gone you're done.

                        It will be interesting to see the results of the strong liberal held by-election in Toronto next Monday.
                        If the liberals lose which will be doubtful, Justin will blame the excess heat keeping liberal voters away and proof we need to do more about climate change to preserve democracy in Canada and around the world.


                          Cop who died from Capitol riot

                          Brian Sicknick, 42

                          According to statement from the US Capitol police, the New Jersey native joined the force in 2008. Sicknick was reportedly struck in the head ([url]https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/us/brian-sicknick-police-capitol-dies.html[/url]) with a fire extinguisher while “physically engaging” with the rioters. He collapsed soon after returning to his division before being rushed to a nearby hospital. Sicknick died on Thursday night after being removed from life support.

                          A reported 60 Capitol police ([url]https://thehill.com/homenews/house/533186-1-capitol-police-officer-in-critical-condition-up-to-60-hospitalized-after[/url]) officers were injured. According to the Democratic congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio, many were also hit in the head with metal pipes. More than a dozen remain hospitalized.

                          Sicknick’s death is being investigated as a homicide by federal and local authorities.


                            And here in Canada Trudeau continues to block investigations into the coalition governments fraud on many many fronts


                              No Guns at Coutts? LOL

                              And 2 are currently on trial for conspiracy to kill cops.

                              Try to get the facts straight!

                              And you wonder why I call it Agrisilly


                                Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                                And here in Canada Trudeau continues to block investigations into the coalition governments fraud on many many fronts
                                The RCMP are investigating the Arrive Can fraud.

                                Scotty Moe and the Sask party ignored the GTH Regina bypass corruption and fraud over insider land deals! There should have been a criminal investigation.


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