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C3/C4 Crops

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    So are you sure moisture is not the most important limiting factors on your farm Jazz?


      Funny when we came to canada almost 20 years ago we were strongly advised to buy good heavy land because it typically is lack of moisture that limits crop potential !! and that why we bought B land in manitoba , guess what CC dryer summers are perfectly normal for canada , allways have been and allways will be , not fantasy climate change


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        So are you sure moisture is not the most important limiting factors on your farm Jazz?
        Hmm, doesnt warmer air hold more moisture. Seems like 1.5C in warming (if it happens) is going to be great for planet earth. Just like it was in the Jurassic.


          Maybe get be better time spent getting the spraying done and get the fungicide for your 9 lbs / ac seeded canola chuck
          maybe pay a bit more attention to your farming practices and less time here . But me thinks you ain’t the farmer in the household


            So moisture is not the biggest limiting factor on most of the prairies? Good soil helps. But we are not all blessed with good soil.

            But if its hotter and dryer and there is no moisture reserve, more CO2 won't make much difference.

            But don't let that stop you from wrongly claiming more CO2 will be good for the planet!


              More C02 last year saved a below average from being a complete disaster….. fact


                chuck is so uneducated is farcical. More efficient photosynthesis from more CO2 will increase plant transpiration, which will facilitate more water vapour on the planet.

                The Sahara might green up again like it was 20,000 years ago. Cant wait.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  So moisture is not the biggest limiting factor on most of the prairies? Good soil helps. But we are not all blessed with good soil.

                  But if its hotter and dryer and there is no moisture reserve, more CO2 won't make much difference.

                  But don't let that stop you from wrongly claiming more CO2 will be good for the planet!
                  its a terrible injustice that some farmers are on better land than others , sounds like your ancestors were not so smart when they stole the land years ago ! but i guess you cant be too fussy when stealing ! different for me i had to work to pay for my land , government shud do something to make sure the farmers on better land don't have any advantage , do you think they shud be taxed more ? or shud the government just steal some of their grain and give to farmers on poorer land ? a big CWB type con job could be set up to run all that , what is your opinion ?
                  Last edited by cropgrower; Jun 27, 2024, 13:14.


                    Crop more lame absurd crap posts?

                    Just like Jazz delusions when he thinks the Sahara will be maybe green again in 20,000 years because of a warming climate?

                    A warmer climate will result in expanding deserts not the greening of deserts.

                    Which scientists says that deserts will turn green as the planet gets hotter?


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      Crop more lame absurd crap posts?

                      Just like Jazz delusions when he thinks the Sahara will be maybe green again in 20,000 years because of a warming climate?

                      A warmer climate will result in expanding deserts not the greening of deserts.

                      Which scientists says that deserts will turn green as the planet gets hotter?
                      It is actually the real time observable evidence that indicates greening.
                      How do you possibly deny that?
                      You are confusing the incorrect models with reality once again.
                      Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jun 28, 2024, 08:35.


                        It was marginally warmer in the Jurassic too and the planet had less deserts and millions more species than what exists today. Undeniable.


                          [QUOTE=chuckChuck;n798197]Crop more lame absurd crap posts?

                          Clearly you know everything i said is true or you would have come up with a better reply , we all know you would love government controlling everything and nobody having an advantage


                            Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                            Crop more lame absurd crap posts?

                            Just like Jazz delusions when he thinks the Sahara will be maybe green again in 20,000 years because of a warming climate?

                            A warmer climate will result in expanding deserts not the greening of deserts.

                            Which scientists says that deserts will turn green as the planet gets hotter?
                            Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

                            From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

                            An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

                            ​Increased greening equivalent to two times the USA.

                            That is a lot more than the Sahara area?

                            Just type "greening of the planet " into the search bar Chuck.

                            You get thousand of results. Just focus on the facts and try avoid the spin.

                            Don't you see this stuff on the CBC?


                              Chuck much like you drought like the 20’s and 30’s prediction and misinformation you spread , you are dead wrong here as well
                              you really should just give up already


                                Chuck, who trained you to be a lemming? Sad but easily repaired.


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