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Sask Carbon Tax

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    Sask Carbon Tax

    Damn I love Scott Moe. He turned the tables on the PM. Now the feds have to go to court to try and collect where the carbon tax would be litigated again due to being unfairly applied.

    Good to know that Scotty Moe and the Sask Party think it's okay not to pay taxes and break the law if you disagree with a government policy!

    They already lost the carbon tax fight at the supreme court. Precedent has been set.

    And they have their own provincial carbon tax on large emitters.

    And they want taxpayers to subsidize very expensive, unlicensed and unproven SMRs to cut greenhouse gases sometime in the 2030s?

    There are so many inconsistencies in their policies.

    Its time for a change of the stale 14 year old entitled Sask Party government.


      you forget flat earth this time


        Go kiss your solar aray , don’t burn lips


          The Boston Tea Party comes to mind.


            Solar panels lose generative capacity as temperatures increase.


              Trudeau has no recourse to collect that tax. Should he decide to challenge the injunction, the province can argue about the unfair application of the tax. Heating oil vs NG. Which they would lose. And the whole thing comes apart.

              The precedent now allows other provinces to do the same.

              chucks a sore loser, emphasis on loser


                Seen an interesting interview with a liberal mp
                said …. If the carbon tax gets axed where will all that extra revenue come from …….
                hmmmm, think about that for one second, some maybe 2 or 3 seconds


                  If you don't think the carbon tax going to general revenue I have some land you might be interested in at a bargain!


                    Canada second highest after France , what a great country we have Forage


                      So heres a serious question that i dont think anyone has talked about..

                      If , say, the carbon tax were gone. POOF. No more.. no bueno... yay.

                      As we have all been conditioned to pay a little.bit morr every year for fuel...food..

                      What would stop a bunch of fuel companies from just charging the same thing... or say.. 1.00$ /L instead of say.. 1.20/ L ? I honestly dont know what the carbon tax on marked fuel is .. and i dont care cuz i need it i cant change squat about it. Besides. Everything runs on dyed! I mean..

                      Whhhhhhaat? Who said that?

                      But what then if our gas price in.. 1 yr of the carbon tax getting diced... goes back up to where it was prior to?

                      How about food prices?

                      Is a new JD sprayer ever going to be sub 1 million?

                      i just dont think it matters anymore. Carbon tax or not we have been conditioned to pay these prices.... just like alllll will be paying $950 a bag for canola that doesnt outyield L135 from 2012.

                      What choice do we have?


                        Choice is not to buy. And if prices stay low, farmers are forced to not buy.


                          goalie, that is definitely possible. The CT has become pretty entrenched now and if it got cut, prices might not adjust. GST is still around after 35yrs. Interest rates doubled in the past 2 yrs and it didnt take down the RE market.

                          The lesson here is for Canadians to reject stupid ideas immediately. Not sit there and try to rationalize them, maybe vote and see, then wake up after a couple yrs. Unfortunately most Canadians arent sharp enough to do that.


                            Remember, the govt has been conditioned to the income, and the electorate the programs.
                            Other taxes will have to rise.
                            At least the GST is in the open.


                              Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                              Remember, the govt has been conditioned to the income, and the electorate the programs.
                              Other taxes will have to rise.
                              At least the GST is in the open.
                              That’s the point this carbon tax was “supposed” to be revenue neutral….
                              it’s a wealth transfer end of story that’s helping deplete the middle class pure and simple
                              that’s who is bearing the brunt of this useless tax


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