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Hurricane Beryl supercharged by ‘crazy’ ocean temperatures, experts say

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    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post

    Forage , you agree ??
    You know where I stand on Ukraine, what you getting at?

    It's just to bad so many on Agriville don't appreciate their freedom here in Canada.

    They would much rather support a commie dictator (Putin) and claim to be Righties , while sitting in their basements whining, moaning, and pissing about every little difficulty thrown their way in life on Agriville.

    Does that answer your question Farrow?

    Last edited by foragefarmer; Jul 13, 2024, 07:59.


      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
      What a bunch of B/s
      it barely hit Texas as a Cat 1
      Huh? The article wasn't about a category 1 hurricane hitting Texas!

      But maybe your comprehension skills are lacking furrow?

      It was about the very high atlantic ocean temperatures and a very early Category 5 hurricane and the impact climate change is having on warming oceans and hurricanes.

      "There has never been a category 5 Atlantic hurricane this early in the year before, with most major storms forming closer to September. Beryl, however, rapidly accelerated from a minor storm to a category four event in just two days.
      This deadly intensification was aided by unusually hot ocean temperatures along much of Beryl’s path, scientists say, with seawater heated by the climate crisis helping provide the storm with extra energy over the past 10 days.
      “Beryl would be astounding to happen anyway, but for it to form in June is completely unprecedented,” said Brian McNoldy, a climate scientist at the University of Miami. “It’s just remarkable to see sea temperatures this warm.
      “I don’t think anyone would expect an outlier like this to happen, it exceeded expectations. With a climate-change influenced ocean, we are making extreme storms like this more likely to happen.”
      Last edited by chuckChuck; Jul 14, 2024, 07:43.


        Storm chasing thing ya look for is high wind shear in thunderstorms, hurricanes exact opposite exasperated by low wind shear. Would suggest beryl had super low.

        Aint checked. You guys in canada and states have such great weather from a weather nerds perspective


          Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

          You know where I stand on Ukraine, what you getting at?

          It's just to bad so many on Agriville don't appreciate their freedom here in Canada.

          They would much rather support a commie dictator (Putin) and claim to be Righties , while sitting in their basements whining, moaning, and pissing about every little difficulty thrown their way in life on Agriville.

          Does that answer your question Farrow?

          You lefties are absolutely insane, just keep throwing the bullshit and speaking disinformation, lay off the bud lights, it’s rotting away the few brain cells that are still functioning.


            Originally posted by TSIPP View Post

            You lefties are absolutely insane, just keep throwing the bullshit and speaking disinformation, lay off the bud lights, it’s rotting away the few brain cells that are still functioning.
            Amazing how mentioning that Bud Light commerical brings out the video watching wannabe so called Righties on Agriville from their closets.



              Now scientists are saying the eruption of Tonga in June of 2022 put an estimated 20 billion tons of water into the atmosphere which is like adding 10% already in the atmosphere. Water vapor traps heat.
              It's starting to unwind.


                Sure Rumrocks.

                Where is the science that says human caused climate change is not happening?

                I will save you the trouble of looking and predict you will come up empty handed just like your other climate change denier comrades who have all kinds of excuses and distractions as the crickets sing!


                  Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                  Amazing how mentioning that Bud Light commerical brings out the video watching wannabe so called Righties on Agriville from their closets.

                  What is Bawitdada ? explain please , new one for me


                    Originally posted by cropgrower View Post

                    What is Bawitdada ? explain please , new one for me
                    It appears to be a kid rock song.

                    I can't even imagine how that is relevant to a discussion of hurricanes.


                      don't listen to that garbage


                        That was for information purposes only, I don’t have the time to debate right now.
                        But I do know there are more oxygen and hydrogen molecules in the atmosphere than carbon molecules however I don’t know the size of said molecules which may have an effect on trapping heat on the earth side of the atmosphere. Possibly even the altitude of the different molecules has an effect on heat trapping.
                        I’m not a physicist/scientist but there are days when it’s -35 and the tool box is open beside a tractor or paying 433.00 for a part that was built for 7.16, sitting at a desk gathering data and making calculations wouldn’t be too bad.
                        But I know me, there would be occasions when a boss would come in and explain grant money and making adjustments to my calculations.
                        While cleaning out my desk with a swollen hand, my mind would dream of a simpler life without atmospheric molecules, perhaps even grain or cattle.
                        Maybe this winter a debate will happen, but for now it’s time to get back to the art of feeding people•


                          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                          Sure Rumrocks.

                          Where is the science that says human caused climate change is not happening?

                          I will save you the trouble of looking and predict you will come up empty handed just like your other climate change denier comrades who have all kinds of excuses and distractions as the crickets sing!
                          The only crickets is from the climate alarmists that say nothing if the root cause this year of slight warming in some areas at times


                            And more on this fact


                              My opiniion on here aint worth jack shitz.

                              But "dry" volcanic eruption put dust ash plume zillions of chemicals into atmosphere stratosphere.

                              "wet" volcanic eruptions put water vapour and zillions of chemicals into atmospshere and stratosphere.

                              Each affect weather differerntly for 6 to 36 months depending on severity. Starting to get measured nowadays.

                              Some guys didnt concentrate during science classes it seems.

                              All of you guys correct do a degree parden the pun

                              current freaking out about heating over antartica last time it happened big fat zero happened. This time maybe some more high pressure systems no mass panic
                              Last edited by Landdownunder; Jul 15, 2024, 13:28.


                                Furrow is pretty sure social media has the answers.

                                And the climate scientists are all wrong!

                                And that the Tonga eruption in 2022 explains all the warming and climate change in the last 30 years!
                                Last edited by chuckChuck; Jul 19, 2024, 07:12.


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