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Woke John Deere

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    Woke John Deere

    So looks like new deere builds will be coming from Mexico with team diversity leading the charge. Worked out well for Boeing.

    Watched a couple of his vids already... see he drove the stock price down for a day or 2.. she back up!
    but. I seriously wonder how much of these are just " CMA" cover my ass to prevent lawsuits from gender inequality etc etc.

    why would anyone sponsor rainbow pride parades for children and think... " oh yeah. This is good for my brand.... selling farm products... to rednecks"

    Da ***?


      Green is code for woke!


        TSC tried that garbage too in US , but they soon learned it was not a good idea when their was a huge boycott , they have put out a statement now that they are no longer supporting the rainbow gang


          Boycott J.D. ! I do, none of that woke crap!


            This maybe the 1st Agstar comment ive ever liked.

            Go woke go broke!


              Originally posted by biglentil View Post
              This maybe the 1st Agstar comment ive ever liked.

              Go woke go broke!
              I think he got hacked, ????‍♂️ or maybe it’s seen the light….


                There seems to be a common problem on this site. I'm not sure if the problem lies in posters unable to effectively convey sarcasm, or in readers unable to effectively pick up on sarcasm.

                Perhaps we all need to degenerate down to Chuck's level of immaturity and use smiley faces


                  Not sarcastic enough?


                    Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                    Not sarcastic enough?
                    Apparently not.


                      There was a thread not so long ago on Agriville on how Anheuser Busch's share price was going to tank for a Bud Light commercial with a transgenger human being as the spokesperson in it.

                      The major down turn in BUD's share price would be all the Agrivillers posting they were going to boycott BUD products.

                      Obviously there are many Agriville posters who are closet Bud Light drinkers, as BUD share's haven't been effected at all and are still in the $60.00/US range.

                      Hey AB5 did you wager the farm again, and short BUD shares base on the Agriviller's posts?



                        Had to clean up a bunch of bud cans at the end of my road where the utv's made doughnuts last weekend . Dam kids or most likely forty year old farm boys with toys love driving over the ruts now going to the other farm yard ! STARTING to get that get off my lawn attitude.


                          Budweiser sales are still down 30 percent and the competition sales are climbing, yup nothing to see here!

                          Budweiser has lost 1.4 billion from going woke, that’s pretty much 2 billion in Canadian funds.

                          looks like ff needs to buy a few more cases.


                            Forage is clearly not aware of sales by company in the rest of world , that is what is keeping stock price up


                              So the usual suspects on agrisilly must think Poilivere is woke too, with statements about the residential schools and their cultural genocide of first nations by calling the abuse at residential schools "terrible crimes"!

                              Poilievre faces backlash at AFN general assembly, slams ‘paternalistic’ system

                              By Saba Aziz ([url]https://globalnews.ca/author/saba-aziz/[/url]) Global News
                              Posted July 11, 2024 9:48 am

                              He also condemned the “terrible crimes” committed at residential schools.

                              “It was a monstrous abuse of excessive governmental power that cut your children off from their cultures, languages, and traditions.”


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