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Cheap wind power ????

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    And whine about how oil companies get rich constantly but I bet you have not said a word about this ..


      Renewables , Cheapest form of energy….. lol


        Thanks for the truth Furrow. Now of course Chuck2 will post many cut and pastes telling how Wind is one of the cheapest forms of electricity generation. What I can’t figure out is the left always goes on about the problem with disinformation. It has nothing to do with disinformation, but it has a lot to do with left trying to suppress anything that disagrees with their partisan load of crap!!!


          Proof of the suppression?
          oh . Right. RFK speech the other day when cnn cuts his feed when he talks about media suppression.



            Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario are all installing more wind.

            Doug Ford has changed his tune on renewables. Why?

            Because they are one of the most economical options that brings new capacity relatively quickly.

            North Dakota and Texas both have considerable onshore wind generation.

            And New York is just one example out of many. An offshore example.

            And Lazards 2024 LCOE shows onshore wind from $27-$73 per MWh in the US. Offshore $74-$139 MWh.



              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

              And Lazards 2024 LCOE shows onshore wind from $27-$73 per MWh in the US. Offshore $74-$139 MWh.

              Did you post that just to confirm what we have been trying to teach you about lazard?

              Totally irrelevant?


                Irrelevant just like you and Agrisilly when it comes to utilities and governments making energy decisions!


                  Originally posted by goalieguy847 View Post
                  Proof of the suppression?
                  oh . Right. RFK speech the other day when cnn cuts his feed when he talks about media suppression.

                  Actually I look closer to home. Justin Trudeau talks a lot about disinformation. Unfortunately looking at an issue through what he considers the wrong partisan lens is disinformation. If I am an oil company and I have reduced my GHG emissions I can no longer promote that because he considers that disinformation. I am sure he would consider what Furrow posted about how expensive the electricity will be from these Wind Turbines to be misinformation. Unfortunately we all look at the source now and believe or discount the information based on our own political bias. The move away from practical centrist governance in either direction has nasty side affects. What I meant to say is that moving away from governing for the benefit of all Canadians to governing for only certain regions and special interests divides and in the end creates resentment and failure.
                  Last edited by Hamloc; Aug 25, 2024, 22:12.


                    Hamloc. Oil companies can no longer promote green claims that are not true. If they are backed up by evidence, no restrictions.

                    Big tobacco did everything they could to deny the harm of tobacco. Big oil has used some of the same techniques to spread disinformation.


                      But just oil companies.


                        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                        Hamloc. Oil companies can no longer promote green claims that are not true. If they are backed up by evidence, no restrictions.

                        Big tobacco did everything they could to deny the harm of tobacco. Big oil has used some of the same techniques to spread disinformation.
                        Neither can wind , solar or EV production
                        The amount of raw materials needed and rare earth elements is staggering, yet you blindly support all of the above while constantly whining about oil and gas . Give up already


                          Here is what Sask Power says about wind and solar:

                          Misconceptions About Wind And Solar Facilities

                          August 23, 2024
                          • Independent Power Producers (IPPs) consider many factors when selecting a site for a wind or solar facility. In most cases, farming can continue around wind and solar facilities once they’re up and running.
                          • When it comes to cost over their entire lifespan, the average cost of large-scale solar and wind generation is less than other power sources.
                          • Wind and solar are intermittent sources of power. That’s why it’s important that we keep a diverse mix of generation options in the province’s power system.

                          Next in our blog series about how we work with independent power producers (IPP), we’re clearing up some common misconceptions we hear about wind and solar power!

                          We’re working to achieve a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions power system by 2050 – or sooner – and renewable power projects are helping us get there. Read on as we break down some of the incorrect claims and misconceptions you might’ve heard about wind and solar facilities.

                          Do Wind And Solar Facilities Really Use Up Prime Farmland?

                          Reality: In most cases, farming can continue around wind and solar facilities once they’re up and running.
                          Background: IPPs consider many factors when selecting a site for a wind or solar facility. Using farmland can provide lower risk for developers, but IPPs also must consider how to use the least amount of prime farmland as possible.

                          Don’t Wind And Solar Projects Have Short Lifespans?

                          Reality: The average lifespan of newer wind turbines is more than 30 years. For a solar facility, it’s also about 25 to 30 years. With good maintenance, that can be even longer!
                          Background: For a comparison, the average lifespan for a natural gas power station is also 25 to 30 years.

                          Aren’t They More Expensive?

                          Reality: When it comes to cost over their entire lifespan, the average cost of large-scale solar and wind generation is a lot less than other power sources.
                          Background: Federal tax incentives and other funding can also help lower the price for wind and solar projects. Plus, when we use wind and solar, we avoid paying carbon tax.

                          Is It True They’re Costly And Wasteful To Dispose Of?

                          Reality: Up to 90% of wind turbine parts (including the steel) are recyclable after they're taken apart. Recycling of solar panels is currently an emerging industry in Canada. Some provinces, like Alberta, have even started programs to reclaim expired solar panels. By the time our first large-scale solar facility reaches end of life, we expect the industry will be fully developed.
                          Background: Decommissioning all types of power facilities takes time and money and has environmental impacts.

                          What Value Can Intermittent Power Really Provide?

                          Reality: Renewables help us lower our system's GHG emissions. And they provide a cost-effective option for power generation.
                          Background: It's true that wind and solar are intermittent sources. That's why it’s important that we keep a diverse mix of generation options in the province’s power system.

                          Don’t They Create A Huge Carbon Footprint To Build?

                          Reality: The environmental impacts of building a wind or solar facility are similar to those of building a natural gas power station.
                          Background: The lifecycle of all power facilities includes materials, construction, operation and decommissioning. The lifecycle of wind and solar facilities produce fewer GHG emissions than the lifecycle of power plants that use coal or natural gas. Hydro and nuclear have low lifecycle GHG emissions too.

                          Aren’t They Harmful To Our Health?

                          Reality: There is no evidence linking health concerns to being near solar and wind facilities.
                          Background: Wind and solar facilities emit low-frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs). That's the kind of EMFs that are present in most of the technology we use every day, like TVs and computers.

                          Aren’t They A Danger To Birds And Wildlife?

                          Reality: Many steps are taken to protect birds and wildlife. Each proposed location is assessed to make sure they’re built to have less of an environmental impact. This includes the impact to birds and bats.
                          Background: The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment also provides guidelines to follow. We're required to monitor bird and bat numbers after new facilities are built. If we see higher than acceptable mortality rates, we’ll take adaptive measures.




                            you forgot the LOL , all still useless when needed most


                              Renewable power my state south australia, some suggest we lead the world in renewable others say were second only to denmark. Tasmania very close mostly hydro. July wholesale prices.
                              ??????Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	30.8 KB ID:	801917?
                              Last edited by Landdownunder; Aug 29, 2024, 09:45.


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